salt free chickens!

It's actually seems to be making it's way more and more into feed and food. Not sure about the food you get from the local feed store, but industrial producers (some brands in particular) are feeding higher levels of iodine to chickens and that also is seen in their eggs too. Or at least, I assume they are feeding higher levels since that is what they are advertising. I am sensitive to iodine, and it does do some crappy things to me (not least of which is giving me cystic acne out of nowhere so I look like a 14 year old boy...I get carded a LOT after eating foods that add in extra iodine XD), but not anywhere near as bad as what it does to others. Iodine effects thyroid function, and while too little isn't good, the wrong form or too much can really mess some people up. I don't know if your feed would specifically list iodine or not. I'm not sure what the regulations are on that, or who to ask that could tell you for sure. I'm also not sure how long it takes to leave the body (I hear what isn't taken up by your thyroid gland usually leaves in two days), or if cutting around the thyroid gland would help, or if the hormones it sends out are iodine stuffed to the point where it's already spread out in the body. No idea. XD But, I do think it is really sweet of you to take the time to tailor your birds for her, and bet she will appreciate it immensely!
I think it's woderful that you are making this effort for another, and I am sure they are gowing to apreciate it so much. You can also feed your birds hard red wheat and Black Oil Sunflower Seeds. The hard red wheat will keep down the cost as will the corn, the BOSS will bring the cost back up but add essential protein.
Thank you. She is very appreciative and started crying on the phone with me today. I am so happy I can do it and I hope all goes well for her. She said she has another friend who just got diagnosed with thyroid cancer and will probably come to me for my chickens too. As far as iodine leaving her body or her stopping eating iodized food and no longer having it in her body, they told her 2 weeks. So we figure if it leaves a human over 100 pounds in weight in 2 weeks, surely it will be out of a 5 pound chicken in 5 days.
Thank you. I will look into those seeds and wheat also. I only have 5 days left on these chickens but I think I will be doing it for her again. She has a few rounds of these therapies and she is telling other people with the same disease about me.
You may have found yourself a nice little niche market! good for you.
Off topic but cool! Raiquee isn't a name I see too often, but I love it. Though I usually see it as "Ruiqui" that the same?

And agreed, get a signed waiver. That is just really awesome, both that you have made her so happy, and that she'll be sending others your way who will be equally pleased.

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