Poor little Princess (Her name now)
1st she had an impacted crop--- thatturned out ok... but now she seems to have tho oppisite problem...
her crop is allways either empty or seems to have air in it... she's not growing as fast as the other chicks, and now stays away from them (They pick on her) standing in the corner looking pitiful and lonely.
Is this something I should be concerned about? I make sure she is getting wayter & Electrolyes... I see her drink as well as getting some by hand (She's well spoiled!) and she scarfs yogurt any chance she gets-- but I never find her with a full or even partly full crop..???
Any thoughts folks?
1st she had an impacted crop--- thatturned out ok... but now she seems to have tho oppisite problem...
her crop is allways either empty or seems to have air in it... she's not growing as fast as the other chicks, and now stays away from them (They pick on her) standing in the corner looking pitiful and lonely.
Is this something I should be concerned about? I make sure she is getting wayter & Electrolyes... I see her drink as well as getting some by hand (She's well spoiled!) and she scarfs yogurt any chance she gets-- but I never find her with a full or even partly full crop..???
Any thoughts folks?