same nest


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 10, 2008
another question.

my chickens also insist on laying in the same box. even though they both have their own box.

niether seem to have a problem with it?

does anyone know why this might be happening?
2 reasons 1 they like the same nestbox.2they see 1 in the nestbox an they decide they want tobe in there to.
LOL...i have 2 hens leave their coop during the day and lay in another nest in the other coop....4 hens laying in one nest. Makes picking up eggs easier that way!
we have 4 nest box and most of the time all the eggs are in 2 of them 4-5 eggs in each box. That is just sisterly love sharing space!!!! sorry can't spell taday I had to edit!!!!
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