San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Hi gang, I didn't get all the way through this thread but wanted to say "howdy" and ask if you had some recommendations for breeders here locally? We got our chicks last year at City Farmers but they'll not have chicks until mid-April and we're hoping to get an earlier start. We've got 3 RIR and would like to add 2-3 more of another variety. 

I would go through MPC but my wife would really like me to support a local business/farm. Thanks! 

I should have Ayam cemani chicks hatching next week. They would not be sexed though.

WFF2 usually has lots of cool chicks.
@Phage Gosh, those are an interesting breed. Never seen those before. Not quite right for our family but thank you. Who or what is WFF2? I searched the forums and came up blank.
Gail is WFF2 on BYC


I have the following breeds

Svart Hona
Silkies and Sizzles
Partridge Silkies
Cream Legbars
Black, blue and splash Orpingtons
Exchequer Leghorns
Mottle Orpingtons
Jubilee Orpingtons
Lavender Ameraucanas
Buff Laced Brahmas
Partridge Brahmas
Splash Brahmas
Black Copper Marans

Most of them aren't laying much right now and I'm taking a break from hatching until about January


619 665-3100
WELL what breed/s are you looking for? This time of year is sorta the "Bermuda Triangle" of hatching. I know peoples are just starting to fire up their bators......

I'm down for patience, I just don't want to wait until mid/late April if I can avoid it. My wife's only request is that they come from a local farm/breeder if we get them before our local nursery has them.

We're open to consider any breed. We have 3 RIRs and we want 2-3 chicks that will be good eggers. We consider these "pets who make eggs." So not looking to show or anything like that.
I'm down for patience, I just don't want to wait until mid/late April if I can avoid it. My wife's only request is that they come from a local farm/breeder if we get them before our local nursery has them. 

We're open to consider any breed. We have 3 RIRs and we want 2-3 chicks that will be good eggers. We consider these "pets who make eggs." So not looking to show or anything like that. Try contacting these speople and see when they will be down in the southern CA area. U will be doibng a good deed for all hens here. :cd

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