San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

My chickens have finally started laying!!!

YAY!!!!!! Did you post in the first eggs thread?
Good start on the medicine cabinet.    I have had horses for 50 years so my medicine cabinet is filled with stuff that can be used for both.    To be honest I havent had any issues with disease in my flocks....  But first aid I do have.

There is a first aid list being compiled here:
The creator of the thread above has extensive knowledge and has written many articles.  She is not a vet  too many of us are in places where getting help from a vet experienced with Avaian needs is impractical or impossible.

I keep on hand basics... Dedicated to the treatment of animals keep them separate from home first aid.

Sharp Scissors
Vet Wrap (stretchy sticks only to itself one time use)
Blood stopper (I use white sugar for that)
Bucket for cleaning dirty stuff
Clean Bucket for washing wounds
Blue coat the kind with a dauber
betadyne soap... or a good soap for wound washing.
Hospital cage...  Dog crate works great.

Oh and a container to keep your first aid stuff on hand.  Most of the stuff you can get at the Feed store...  Definately get the Vet Wrap at the feed store a roll there runs about two bucks...   at the pharmacy a similar roll for humans will run about six....:th    Blue Coat is a wound dressing found at the feed store.   It is good for minor wounds and dies the skin deep blue helpful to protect the chicken from the others.   Chickens tend to pick at blood so hiding it is a good idea.

Vasaline is useful for treating leg mites and for protecting Combs from frost bite....


Thanks Deb! I genuinely appreciate your thoughtful insight!
Hi gang, I didn't get all the way through this thread but wanted to say "howdy" and ask if you had some recommendations for breeders here locally? We got our chicks last year at City Farmers but they'll not have chicks until mid-April and we're hoping to get an earlier start. We've got 3 RIR and would like to add 2-3 more of another variety.

I would go through MPC but my wife would really like me to support a local business/farm. Thanks!

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