San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread


Auto sexing is like the Wheaten and Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas, at about a week old you can easily tell who is male and who is female. They turn different colors, always. No confusion. No matter the generation or anything.

Sex-linked IS the first generation only, there are differences between male and female to tell them apart (like a spot on top of girls head) but it's not always 100% fool proof, occasionally one who looks like a certain sex will turn out to actually be the other sex, and if you then breed those two babies together the offspring will NOT be sex-linked.
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Wow, really, you all are getting two of my most dreamed about birds?? Cream Legbars? Swedish Flower hens? Aside from Cari's Wheaten Ameracaunas, and some amazing White Ameracaunas I've seen, those are my next dream birds!! I"m gonna have to start saving up for a large property of my own.
Ok guys, as promised here's some pics of my new additions (all EE's) at one day old!!!
Just look at the FLUFFY CHEEKS!!!
And since my birthday is tomorrow, I am counting these little ones as an early birthday present!!!

This is a Wheaten Ameraucana crossed with a Delaware hen.

EE from Bargain.

EE from Bargain.

Pretty sure this is an EE from Bargain. I will be able to tell as it gets older. Otherwise it is a Wheaten Ameraucana x Wyandotte.

All of them together.

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Sorry I have not been on much lately. Been SOOOOOOOOOOOOO busy with the new house.

OMG! Cute chick pics.

I need help. I have a Icelandic female that is wheezing. She is not looking well. Not sure what I can do for her. Any suggestions? Not sure why it is just her.



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