San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Thank you so much for hosting the meet-up. I had a great time and got to see so many wonderful people. The blue beach chair with the burn in the seat is mine. We're going to be going to Borrego around Mothers Day so if you want to keep it until then I'll pick it up on the way.

Hillflower Ranch, The two little silver laced wyndottes - that's probably spelled wrong - are fitting in real well, I can't wait to see how they feather out!

I wish I had looked around more and should have taken home soap and lemon curd, and a stuffed lizard!

Next time I'll know what I'm doing.
Thank you so much for hosting the meet-up. I had a great time and got to see so many wonderful people. The blue beach chair with the burn in the seat is mine. We're going to be going to Borrego around Mothers Day so if you want to keep it until then I'll pick it up on the way.

Hillflower Ranch, The two little silver laced wyndottes - that's probably spelled wrong - are fitting in real well, I can't wait to see how they feather out!

I wish I had looked around more and should have taken home soap and lemon curd, and a stuffed lizard!

Next time I'll know what I'm doing.

I'm so glad !! You'll have to send pics when they feather out
Oz- lots of cracking up I hope ;) heeheee

Crazy busy day... have I mentioned that I have 4 broody hens now....geez this is CRAZY! My first two and in the kennels/broody apartments. Couldn't figure out where to.put the other two. Made some screen doors, removed some layer box partitions and voila, two more broody apartments. My hubby asked if they all go broody every spring. Yikes I hope not!

Still smiling about Sunday! Regret not buying any lemon curd! I've been craving it after hearing all the rave reviews! Next meetup!

I will hold all chairs pending pickup :) just contact me when you're ready!

Made the best salsa today..spent a few hours roasting and peeling chile (peppers). Very house-wifey today ! I'll make some for our next get together.

I have a few hens that spend as much time broody as they do laying ... even in the winter. Of course, one is half silkie and the other half cochin, so what else would I expect?
my silkies lay from 12 to 20 eggsandthen go broody one raised three batchesbefore she was a whole year old, I too have 4 broodys sitting now. can't wait for the blue mottled d'uccles to hatch!
I love
broodies. They save me electricity and cleaning of brooder cages. I have 2 hens raising chicks right now, 1 hatching this weekend and 2 hatching next weekend. Chicks are so much cuter when they are being raised by their "mothers".
okay im looking for the couple that had the silkies and painted rocks at the meet up.
i just relized ,after talking with hubby,you guys where the ones we took your goats.oh my gosh im so sorry for not fully reconizing you.
what is your screen name?
goat was in my thoughts but could not put it together.I never would have charged you for so sorry.
i feel like a bone head,can i owe ya?

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