San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Just poppin in.  Well pump died am scrambling to get water hauled to the critters till the well guy can come fix it.  Middle of the week he says....  We will see.

I am hauling it to the house 300 +- gallons at a time in a water tote.... Thank goodness the Jacumba Spa is letting me have as much mineral water as I want.   Wont hurt the critters for a week.  Smells like sulfur but they use it in all their swimming pools.

Now I have to sell my Car to pay for the well pump.  Sigh.

UGH!! It's always something, isn't it? How much water do they drink in a day?!! 300 gallons at a time is a huge amount. Glad the Jacumba Spa is helping you out. Sorry Deb :(
Ants are an issue here but the seem satisfied staying in my garden. I'm using the gel bait and Vaseline and DE. Still there. I hate bringing out the chemicals, but every couple years I have to. Aphids are super bad too. Only thing bothering the birds is a squirrel and gophers that pop up in their runs to eat the kicked and dropped feed.
I have these gigantic red ants in my chicken run but they don't seem to bother the chickens. I see the ants carrying off chicken extra food crumbles and small pieces of shavings though.
We have everything and I think right now everything has babies! Those giant red ants hurt like heck and a bite will hurt for a couple of days.
Our coop has boards on both sides of two by fours so it was a perfect home for 'stuff'. We weren't getting any eggs and finally Terry decided to take down one side so there wasn't a place to hide in there and there was a possum asleep in the wall!! I felt like we hit a new low. When you have ten squirrels and you think it's okay because they just eat a little chicken food but if you think chicken math is bad I don't know what kind of math squirrels use, we have hundreds and they're tunneling through everything! We need to take back control.
Quote: It was easier to fill it at moms house.... I only filled it half way this time. My horse drinks 110 gallons of water every three days, Goats drink about forty in that time. I brought up about half the tote foll give or take and used all of it. I had to turn the chickens loose so they could come get the water at the gate.

I got too much sun drank a gallon of water and didnt start sweating til I got in the shade to rest. My neighbor wasnt around to help..... I need to rig the pipes better so I dont spend all my time moving the truck just so. Right now I am directing the water through 1.50 diameter pvc pipe just shoved into the outlet pigtail. No leakage but It has to be kept straight and supported in the middle.

I also learned how to turn the valve on and off without having to shove my considerable bullk into the back of the truck.... Oh and I forgot my walker in the middle of the driveway. Saw it in the rearview.... Blank it if they cant take a joke....

I am done today....

I wish I lived closer. Maybe I could help one day next week any way. Let me know your schedule.
Thanks for the offer Lois.... Hopefully I will have help during the week from my neighbor tom. I may just beg for the money to fill the big tank. 3000 gallons. But I have to concentrate on selling my car to pay for the repair. 3000 gallons of water delivered is about four hundred dollars. The pump repair is 1500 dollars I cant do both.

Thanks it will. in one way or another....


I am really sorry to hear about your troubles.... I know what its like to be in a financial bind and have your animals to worry about.

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