San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

Mareks is the least stable of the vaccines once its reconstituted but the disc can be divided up and used in smaller batches.

Once you inject one, you will be able to realize its not that hard.

Perhaps we could do a vaccine administration demo at the next meet-up.
I may have more bantam chicks to rehome. My Mom called me today to say that she "meant to collect the eggs, but waited too long" and now she has chicks. ERRRRR!!!!! So anyways, anyone who is interested, let me know.

Update: It's mostly naked necks, but there is one lavender non-naked neck and one black non-naked neck chick.
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A friend of mine is selling some miniature Cheviot sheep lambs, if anyone is interested. They are twins, a boy and a girl. They are purebred, but unregistered. I have a sister to these twins, and she is tiny and jet black. Let me know, tell your friends. Thanks!
Where is everybody?????

I have a Polish rooster I am looking to re-home. I was told he was out of a Tolbunt pen. He's mottled and frizzled. He likes people, very friendly - maybe a year or so old. He picks on my old silke cochin bantam, and I can't have that any more. Free to a good BYC home. I don't see why he couldn't be used with gold laced hens for a Tolbunt project pen.

I should add that he seems to be on roo overdrive, so he would do best in a pen with a lot of hens and no other roos - he picks on my banty cochin a lot, and he makes the four large fowl roos mad, and they beat on him, so he's a mess. LOL He's just not fitting into the barnyard flock......
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Just poppin in. Well pump died am scrambling to get water hauled to the critters till the well guy can come fix it. Middle of the week he says.... We will see.

I am hauling it to the house 300 +- gallons at a time in a water tote.... Thank goodness the Jacumba Spa is letting me have as much mineral water as I want. Wont hurt the critters for a week. Smells like sulfur but they use it in all their swimming pools.

Now I have to sell my Car to pay for the well pump. Sigh.

I think we're all subdued due to the heat. (Typing this very late at night since it's much cooler and my laptop doesn't heat up as easily...)

Any else having a problem with ants? The chickens are doing well on their own, picking at them and scratching at them but I'm not sure what to put in the coop that will keep the ants away once I clean it out. Anyone got any ideas? The coop is made with plywood and currently has no flooring - the chickens were forced to move in early due their size.
We're having horrible ant problems! I haven't noticed it with the chickens but they're ruining the cat food. For the first time since we've been here we had a tarantula in the house the other night. I can handle almost anything but had to wake Terry up for that one.
I think we're all subdued due to the heat. (Typing this very late at night since it's much cooler and my laptop doesn't heat up as easily...)

Any else having a problem with ants? The chickens are doing well on their own, picking at them and scratching at them but I'm not sure what to put in the coop that will keep the ants away once I clean it out. Anyone got any ideas? The coop is made with plywood and currently has no flooring - the chickens were forced to move in early due their size.
Yes! I sprinkle DE in their run. It'll keep the ants away for a week or so.

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