San Diego Chicken meetup and Chat thread

By the way my name is Colleen
Hi Colleen, I am Li. And nice looking silkies!

There's a great new group on Facebook called SoCal Homesteaders. We're very poultry friendly & would love for more to join us!

Would you like more info? Read on here & then click the link if you're interested in joining... hope to see you there!!


Together with a dear friend of mine I have put together a new group - especially for those of us who are striving to live a more natural lifestyle. It's a group that's meant to be inclusive of those who are seeking a healthier diet, fueled by the freshest of the fresh, LOCAL, organic goods!

My friend & I feel that there is a great need for a one-stop-shop type of group that's filled with the resources necessary to connect local growers with their consumers. It will also be a place where we can commiserate regarding the trials & tribulations of the growing trend aka #UrbanHomesteading!!

If you're interested in a healthy lifestyle, fresh, local, organic goodies & pasture-raised meats - then we invite you to join our group SoCal Homesteaders.

Bring your friends too so we can all build our community together!
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I have a chicken that was injured by another chicken and now can't see well. She's been a house chicken for almost a week (except when we are home and she free ranges in another part of the yard. I'm not sure I will ever be able to fully integrate her back into the flock. She's really vulnerable because she's not seeing well. I'm wondering if any of you have a small coop that you are trying to get rid of. I'd like to save her and put her in her own little coop outside (maybe like a small tractor or premade coop with run). Just wondering. Thanks so much. She's already doing so much better, but I think she's blind on one side. Very sad. I'm not sure why they attacked her. They aren't usually aggressive like that.

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