Sand bath for chicks?


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
I took my chicks out on a "field trip" to run around on a towel placed on a sofa. The 4 that were 1.5 weeks old took immediately to doing a "dust bath" type behavior of crouching on the towel, rubbing their bellies on it and fluffing their wings to the side. Does this mean that they would enjoy it if I provided a sand bath for them in their brooder space? Are they showing that they are ready to take dust baths?

Hello, I've read where some people have put sand in a cat litter tray and have put it in the brooder for their chicks (if the brooder is big enough). They say it feels good to the chicks because when they start to get their feathers in it itches. Hope this helps....
I put a tray of sand in mine and my chicks loved it.
My girls love to have a sand bath:love
What i did was, put a shovel of sand in a hole that they had dug. They love to jump in and flip around in the sand..

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