Sand for flooring question


5 Years
Oct 8, 2014
Olive, Oklahoma
After reading about using sand on the coop floor I decided I'd like to try it so I've called Home Depot (as suggested on BYC) and asked for Contractor sand Or Construction sand and was told they dont carry it. Could it be called anything else? My only other option here in Oklahoma is plain ole river sand or playground sand. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I called several dirt/sand/gravel companies in our area that delivered. The main point you want to get across is that the sand needs to be dry and that you want contractor/construction sand. That is how I got my sand, I change it out every year, putting the old sand in the chickens run. HTH :)
Where I live we call it concrete sand, and I've seen it at Home Depot many times. I would think that river sand would work fine, also. It will have little pebbles in it that the chickens will use for grit. You don't want the playground sand; it's too fine. Also, depending on how much of it you need, if you have a landscape supply company around where you live, you will be able to get it there a lot cheaper than at Home Depot.
Go get "masons" sand from a sand & gravel lot or masonry supply company-either a pickup load or use 5-gllon buckets

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