Sanford, NC family fined $1300 day for chickens!Update She Found US!!!

i just voted , yes of course. I also went on the news station web , registered there and left a comment also voted to make it the gold story of the day only 5 votes there though.
It is now #6 on the list of stories of the day. It needs to beat 32 votes and has about 11 votes so far. Once you vote, you can't vote again so we need more people to sign up and vote!

As someone else pointed out, the station has noticed the interest in this story, so good work so far!
I signed up and voted. Let's hope we can get the attention of the television station, newspaper and city council. It makes all the difference.

We know! We got reversed a decision by the United States Postal Service to discontinue delivery service on our rural road. It was just this kind of group action that changed their minds.
Get involved!!!
hi i just voted!! i also have 2 comments on wrals golo!!i live in Halifax county NC, i also might be facing a simalar situation soon, i hope not ......but i will be emailing and calling for you Alex!!!....................BYC POWER!!!!
okay i voted yes, emailed city council and made a comment and voted in the newspaper page. now what can i do. Oh am im praying for you.

Alexcritter you should contact the radio. maybe inviting the paper or radio or anyone from the city council over to see the birds to educate them a little, would help. maybe get a 4-h cub to do a speech w power point on why they would like to keep chickens and the benefits the birds provided would help also. like the difference in the eggs or the impact on the 4hers health. im talking if you are aware of what you are eating and taking care of something. you are not sitting on the counch eating potato chips.
in the topic title should be something about needing all the byc familys help or make a announcement on every forum that you need to check out this one and vote. make sure everyone sees it. if you do a speech make it open to the public. your cluck thing is a good idea.
WRAL Golo vote #24 here!

Register and vote!

It took me a while to figure out HOW to vote when you get there. After registering, go to the GOLO tab and click on the story. Go all the way down the article page to the golo box and cast your vote there.

Lets get more votes!!!

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