Sanford, NC family fined $1300 day for chickens!Update She Found US!!!

Alexcritter, I'm a lawyer, but not in NC. Still, I think you're a real trooper, and am crossing my fingers for your success.
As for Cary, I agree with the poster that more preparation was necessary, such as information that other cities address the distances coops should be from homes, and that other cities do not find that 40,000 square foot lots are necessary. This documentation could have rebutted the ridiculous comments of Portman and Frantz. The info someone posted earlier on other city statutes, and their parameters was excellent. Why should Cary council members be more arbitrary in their decisions on this issue, than say, Austin or Portland?
They, at least didn't nix it, just nixed looking into it at this time. Maybe a good lesson for others looking at this issue..come with lots of documentation, and KNOW your material. Take copies of other citie's ordinances and hand them out to council members. Practice your spiel in front of a mirror, until you're not nervous. Also, since it was apparently so late in the session, that the council members were not dealing with the issue as seriously and intelligently as the issue deserved, someone should have asked to table the issue until the next regular meeting.
The quote from the Frantz guy is a beaut. As if the potential of "smell, noise, and predators," is lessened on 5 acres. And, really, any domestic animal could potentially cause "smell, noise and predators." He obviously cares little about the citizens' property rights, yet thinks highly of his own statements, which were not even well though out. What arrogance! Oh well, you know the old saying, "Don't get mad, get even." Looks like they only lost a battle in Cary, though, not the war.
Anyone out there have any luck convincing an HOA to chang their restrictions to allow chickens? We may be re-locating to Houston, and I'm finding very little acreage homes within a reasonable driving distance (under an hour), that aren't heavily restricted. I cannot understand why these HOA restrictions will allow a horse, but restrict having even one chicken. I have 12 Delawares I do not want to leave behind.
I think it's wonderful, that so many people on this great forum really want to change the prejudices local governments and property owners associations have against raising chickens. Some of these ordinances and restrictions simply defy logic.
JMB, wonderful post! I think that the same approach would work with a HOA... but maybe concentrating on the coop's appearance and maintenance. I think that the main concern for most HOA is property values and the way the property will look from the road.

We had provided a significant amount of information via email to the council members prior to the meeting. Despite the last minute scamble for support, this topic also generated the most community feedback, even more so than the budget. A majority of the emails were in support of the idea.

I sincerely believe that a few of the council members had no intentions of voting in favor of it, regardless of facts. We provided facts to refute the arguments surrounding slaughter (don't allow it), roosters (banned), predators (building permitted coop), and reiterated all of these (and more) during the 3 minute public speaks out time, which was 5.5 hours before they voted on it. Besides, the vote was on whether to investigate the issue further so they could vote based upon staff provided facts.

We just have to keep fighting this and get even more support.
* Alex, I find it really, really odd that your house had a pre-existing coop and Sanford has a pre-existing coop ordinance. Do you know much of the history there? Did anyone else in the area have pre-existing coops, do you know? Maybe they expanded the city limits at some point? It may help the nolo or to get you grandfathered in, possibly, at some point. I'd see if maybe the paper could help you find out, and pinpoint any area(s) recently included in the city. Just a thought.
you all have really kept me going! I have started another way to communicate this topic. I would really appreciate it if you could leave comments on this bog and push it to your friends and family, even if they are not into chickens. Our fight here encompasses economics, educatio, health, family, support of local business, it's greener, and more. For all these reasons this is topical for many.

Tonight was National Night out and two council members showed up. Mr. Mann tried to avoid me but I overheard him talking to some of my neighbors about the chickens. He kept saying that he grew up with chickens on Lee ave but times have changed. He is steadfast in his no vote. Then Joe Martin showed up and after he spoke with neighbors of mine he came and found me. He is a true politician. He complemented me and thanked me and actually asked me to continue. Although he did say that he agreed with me but he was in the minority. He also more clearly explained how the voting goes. I had heard that if council voted on a topic that topic could not be revisited for a year (which is why I have not yet put them in a position to vote, much to my husbands chagrin). He clarified and confirmed. Wake Forest folks you may look into this too before you ask them to vote. You need to know how they are going to vote before you ask them to vote.

That said, I will send my girls to my friends farm on Aug 11. Very, very sad. I do feel I have lost the battle, but my war continues. I plan on persistently keeping this in their sights (I have new packets to mail to their homes) all the way up until the election of three new council members and the mayor next fall.

To that end....please help me and leave comments on my blog.

Thanks. Alex

P.S. What do you think about asking the media to come the day that I cage up my birds to drive them across town?

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