

In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2015
Hello out there, first time user but often read here, I need to ask please for some guidance, our girl Iris is rather ill. We inherited her 9 months ago and was already not laying any more. Iris is off eating now for 4 days and sleeps a lot her poop is runny and whiteish slightly green in colour. She is sluggish I've had to clean her up around her bottom as you can imagine it sticks to her feathers.
She just sits and looks grey around her eyes and doesn't make a sound I have managed to give her water and the other Hens ignore her not sure of her age thinking around 6+ ? She is a Highland breed, I have not found any lumps that I can feel and seems to enjoy the massage.
Can anyone give some guidance please.
Welcome! This is a great site full of helpful people. When you get a chance check out the learning center, it is full of great info.
To answer your question, it sounds like she is sick. Please post this in the Emergency thread, hopefully you can get the answers you need (I do not know) until then it is important you get some fluids down her, now. Try some electrolytes, in a syringe.
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Thank you organicfarmwife, have managed to get a little water into her, will try electrolytes today she just looks plain miserable the poor old girl . :(
So sorry about your hen, I hope she gets better.
We decided that in her best interest we have put her to rest and have just come back from the vet.
I sorry. If you have any other duck issues, you may like to post on the Duck thread - where breeders know more than most of the chicken folks

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