Santorum is out !

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I only see the athiest gramming their religion down Christians throats. You do understand this country was founded on the belief of Jesus Christ don't you? Have you ever read the writings of our founding fathers? The constitution was wrote with these beliefs also. Its the athiest who want to take God out of this country and every other country they infest. Its the athiest who want Christmas and easter banned. Who was it that had prayer taken out of all schools? Do you think its a accident that not one major newspaper, magazine or mainstream media is owned by a Christian? I also take offence to name calling believers of Christ as bible thumpers, but I forgot the only people who are open game for slander is Christians! This is also no accident since the mass-media is the one who enforses political correctness and is the driving forse of hate for Christians!

It's not about the christian haters at all, it's about the bible thumpers that cram there religion down everyone's gullet. There need's to be more independant thinkers then die hard liberals and conservatives. Both have such extreme views
I will only say one thing about this - just because historical accuracy is have to argue your points with accurate information.

That said, freedom FROM religion was a BIG reasons settlers came to this country.

Carry on.
Romey is no different than Bush, Obama on any president we've had for 100 years. The president hasn't made any serious decisions since this country was taken over by international bankers!

I know Mitt personally. He is a good man. Polling showed Santorum likely losing in PA and he knew if he wanted a political future, it was time to get out.

Everything negative you hear about him from the lame-stream OR ELSEWHERE, media is BUNK. I say in all seriousness that he is the most conservative man to run for president in MANY, MANY years.

Yes, he's gotten more conservative with age and experience, and he'll stay that way, but he'll also work with those on the other side... unlike the current illegal alien in the WH. (His lawyers in New Jersey just admitted that the birth certificate he put out is a fake)---> Obama's lawyer admits his birth certificate is a FORGERY!

Gingrich is a has been. Folks tout his debating skills but, in my opinion, character counts... he is one and has none.

Ron Paul is a very good man. If it weren't for his foreign policy, I'd probably back him over Mitt simply because he is a strict constitutionalist. I'd love to see him as Secretary of the Treasury in a Romney administration.

I'm hoping that Romney will tap either Mark Rubio or Allen West as his VP. Both are very smart and also, very articulate.

Unless the 'health care act' is repealed we will go into a triple dip recession or a full fledged depression. I pray that the SCOTUS will down it.
One correction... it wa freedom of religion not freedom from religion.
The Church of England was the government at the time as history records.

The pilgrims came for religios reasons, settlers came for opportunity of prosperity

The Puritan which were one of the largest groups of settlers actually came to establish a redeemed church.

I will only say one thing about this - just because historical accuracy is have to argue your points with accurate information.

That said, freedom FROM religion was a BIG reasons settlers came to this country.

Carry on.
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Do you know who owns the federal reserve? Does the constitution say only congress can coin money? Do you believe the federal reserve is part of the federal government? Do you know how the federal reserve came to power? What did Andrew Jackson say was his greatest accomplishment as president? which relates to the same people who control our money system now. Do you believe that the federal government legally taxes peoples labor? I understand that the majority of people get all their information from the same source as you do, and your statements about Ron Paul proves it. Do you know who owns/control the media? Do you believe the media has more influnce on the masses than anyother source? Do you believe the media can deside who gets elected? Can the media create/change a peoples culture? How do i know your a liberal and athiest? I've also noticed how you like to insult people and have no tolerence. This is how i know your a liberal and athiest. They preach compasion and tolerence as long as everyone agrees with their insane beliefs!

Q9...I read your posts and am really amazed..Your statements are fantastic but I try and make it a point to not argue with anyone under 16. I will just say WOW and assure you that Ron Paul is proud of you. I would like to support him but I was always encouraged to never do a useless act.
You are a perfect example of the power of propaganda. You parrot word for word what the mass-media has trained you to say. Can you show me anyother politician with a voting record that follows the constitution as close as Ron Paul has? I say you couldn't win a debate on what really goes on in the world, and who controls it with a person with a 8th grade education, and will bet 1,000.00 on it!

What would be really great is if Ron Paul would not endorse Romney AND ran on a third party ticket. I would give him money to do that and vote for him because it would be a 100% way to ensure a victory for Obama. "GO RON PAUL" inbecile
The Constitution was written in the 1700's and I bet you spent a great deal of time defending it, shall we consider that nuts also?

The founders came from England which had established a state church and was hostile to other brands of religions. By ensuring the government could never dictate religion, they were ensuring all people in the nation would be free to adopt their own religious beliefs, or no beliefs. When some people of religion try to establish laws as social controls that force everyone to adhere to their own religious dogma it is an infringment upon the religious freedom of choice of anyone outside that group. Santorum specifically said contraception gave people freedom to have sex and it was therefore a bad thing. That way of thinking reflects the idea that sex is intended only for procreation, which is intended only for married couples of opposite sexes. It further implies that women need to be the ones to suppress their natural sexual urges since they are the ones who will pay the price through pregnancy, yet there is still a mentality that not only forgives, but urges young males to express their sexual virility. I do not want anyone in my bedroom, nor do want anyone dictating what goes on in my uterus. This is hugely different from the Constitution which was written to define and limit government and its powers. I will not tolerate anyone using the legislative process as a means of forcing their religious ideas onto me. They have every right to live according to their beliefs, but not to dictate the behaviors of everyone else.
I only see the athiest gramming their religion down Christians throats. You do understand this country was founded on the belief of Jesus Christ don't you? Have you ever read the writings of our founding fathers? The constitution was wrote with these beliefs also. Its the athiest who want to take God out of this country and every other country they infest. Its the athiest who want Christmas and easter banned. Who was it that had prayer taken out of all schools? Do you think its a accident that not one major newspaper, magazine or mainstream media is owned by a Christian? I also take offence to name calling believers of Christ as bible thumpers, but I forgot the only people who are open game for slander is Christians! This is also no accident since the mass-media is the one who enforses political correctness and is the driving forse of hate for Christians!

If you read the Constitution, it says that the government cannot use tax money to promote any one specific religion. They lived in a time that the government would tax a Presbyterian or Quaker and use that tax money to promote the Church of England. They Founding Fathers did not think that was right. They felt it was so wrong that they wrote protection from that into the Constitution. The Supreme Court (as they are supposed to do according to the Constitution) have interpreted that to mean not just tax money but government property bought and maintained by that tax money and people being paid by that tax money during working hours. The intent is clearly to not have government force any one religion down our throats. It’s sometimes referred to as freedom of religion.

This protection is not just for protection against forcing a specific Christian religion down our throats. It also prevents a Jew’s tax money from being used to promote Christianity, a Buddhist’s tax money from being used to promote Catholicism, a Baptist’s tax money from supporting Islam, or a Hindu’s tax money from supporting the Mormon church.

Some people see the Constitution not allowing government to use our tax money to force one specific religion down our throat as a war against a specific religion. I see it as allowing us to worship as we please.
The Puritans did not come to the New World to practice freedom of religion; they came to the New World for the freedom to practice their religion. This is not a small technicality. They officially did not allow other religions to be practiced. Puritans actively persecuted Quakers and others. Branding and death were consequences of not following the Puritan way.

The Pilgrims and Jamestown, the first "American" settlements, were both commercial ventures. You might as well argue that the United States was founded on capitalism instead of Christianity.

I don't believe every Santorum supporter is going to Ron Paul.
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I think the fumes from Lucky123's chicken coop have overcome him. The best I will say is that it is not worth my time to argue with you or even attempt to debate you in any way. Us liberal, athiest, commies are that way, you know. I am now going back to watch MSNBC, root for Obama, and leave it to chickened to respond to you. He will, at least, enjoy it. CHICKENED....WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU!!
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