
Wow! Put a colts hat, boxerbriefs, and paint a little bugeye'd batear'd dog behind that thing, and I'd swear you'd have a pic of my hubbie!!!
Proof that Sasquatch does not exist. Thats a picture of the abominable snowman.

But eh they do exist, i am sure that is a Sasuatch is just in there winter fur like hairs eh??
i've found bigfoot!!! JKJKJKJKJKJKJK

i'm the tallest and the youngest of my family and i'm still growing! i'm 6' 2"
i thought it'd be impossible to keep growing after 6' but i kept growing til i was taller than my brother and taller than my dad!

Heh heh. Im the tallest person on either side of the family, and i wear size 11 shoes, as opposed to my mom and sis who wear size 8. I must be related to thekid, and/or bigfoot!

on my dads side its rare to find one of "us" tall ones. And us tall ones keep growing and growing. My mom's side they are just naturally tall
Sure do believe in her, she lives just down the road and works at the Quicky Mart in town. Watch out when you make eye contact though it upsets her. She will start to glare at you and then you are really in trouble if you try to make small talk! She also hates children and puppies.
Yes, I believe there is something and so do the local native people.
People see them all the time around here. I know a few people who have seen them but they don't like to talk about it, because, big surprise
, people would ridicule them.
My Brother saw something on the shore while he was out cod fishing in the kelp beds. He thought it was a Bear but as he got the boat closer to the shore it walked off on two legs.
The Bigfoot Research Organization comes every year for a week to look for them...........good luck
I saw a sasquatch once about thirty miles from my home.

I was at my lab farm cruising around in the woods late at night on my 6x6. I heard something that sounded like an owl with a sour throat, I could tell the noise was coming from fairly close so I decided to get off the 6x6 and walk deeper into the woods to see what was making the noise. As I was walking I was mostly looking up into the trees as I thought it was an owl. About five minutes into my search I heard a slightly different noise that sounded more like a screaming human coming from my left, I had walked through those woods before and never in my life had I heard such a sound. I began to shake a little as by then I had no clue what the thing was but I thought perhaps it was a bobcat. Then I smelled it. It was the worst smell in the world times three. Frantically, I looked around and saw nothing. I was getting to creeped out to go on so I started heading back to the 6x6. Just as I was about to hop on and drive away I head the noise again, this time much louder coming from directly behind me. I spun around and behold about fifteen feet away was a huge hairy beast about eight to nine feet tall. There was hair all over its body except for the face, which lacked hair and looked shockingly human. It also had something smeared on its face, making it look like it was wearing war paint. I just stood there with my knees shaking while it stared at me. I slowly backed up (I wasn't about to turn my back on the thing) until I reached my vehicle. When I got on, I turned it on and took another look at the monster. It barely moved except for blinking a few times.
From Wikipedia article Lewis Meriwether:
"While modern historians generally accept his death as a suicide, there is some debate.[11] Priscilla Grinder, the tavern-keeper's wife, claimed Lewis acted strangely the night before his death. She said that during dinner, Lewis stood and paced about the room talking to himself in the way one would speak to a lawyer. She observed his face to flush as if it had come on him in a fit. After he retired for the evening, she continued to hear him talking to himself. At some point in the night, she heard multiple gunshots, and what she believed was someone calling for help. She claimed to be able to see Lewis through the slit in the door crawling back to his room. She never explained why, at the time, she didn't investigate further concerning Lewis' condition or the source of the gunshots. The next morning, she sent for Lewis' servants. They found him wounded and bloody, with part of his skull gone, but he lived for several hours. Priscilla Grinder's testimony is held as a point of contention from both sides of the murder-suicide debate. The murder advocates point to five conflicting testimonies as evidence that hers is fabricated, and the suicide advocates point to her testimony as proof of suicide.[11]
The only doctor to examine Lewis' body did so in 1848. He reported that Lewis appeared to have died "by the hand of an assassin". Lewis' descendants have retained the report."
My conclusion? Conclusion number one: A sasquatch invaded him room and Lewis was so terrified, he shot himself. Conclusion number two: Lewis was murdered by a sasquatch.
More info on the Sasquatch/ Meriwether topic, taken from History News Network:

"Later that night shots rang out (two, or was it three?). A short time later Mrs. Grinder heard a noise outside as though someone were crawling. Then Lewis's voice cried begging for water. Fearful that danger lurked in the dark, Mrs. Grinder refused his request and kept the door closed. She did, though, peer between the chinks in her door and witness the Governor of Upper Louisiana pitifully scraping the empty water bucket then painfully dragging himself back to his cabin."

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