!@$#%@#$% Save me... Dog Gas...


Funny, the dog I was talking about earlier, my friends, it is a dobe!! Our dobe doesn't have that problem, thank goodness!! It was our boston that was that we called STINKY PETE!!!
Oh man, I am telling you, it is bad some nights...especially the night they ate the rotten eggs..that made my stomach nauseous, seriously .

I may have to try the bean-o....I HAD never heard of using that on a dog!
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My golden used to have the worst clear the room farts of all!!! I talked to his vet and she said it was because of the feed. I was feeding him eukanuba at the time, and I changed him to Iams. The gas cleared right up! So I would say it is most likely something they ate! So sorry for you!

I agree with the earlier post of putting the dogs out till they clear out their systems!!
Ughhh I'm in the same boat with you. My 150lb lab busts em so hard I swear I can feel the wind off of em blow across my face. He looks guilty... I want to puke and my wife leaves the room.
He's caused me to get up from the table and throw my dinner away. I swear he does it on purpose because he thinks I'll give him my plate if I get sick enough.
I think you just hit the nail on the head!! I had a Jack Russell who used to catch & eat field mice. They gave her the stinkiest farts! Peee-Ew!!! There's no point in trying to get a dog to stop being a dog so outside she went (undoubtably went gladly to eat more mice)!!
I don't have dogs, but I had cats with the same problem. I switched from "supermarket cat food" to Science Diet. They ate less, pooped less, and had no gas! I am convinced quality feed is the answer. Wendy
Pork can lead to this situation in many dogs, so be careful with the porcine treats.

We've always had ex racing greyhounds. There is something in their anatomy that requies them to be suicide fart bombers. Man god alive. i guess it's there revenge for being locked in 3'x3'x3' cube their whole lives until finally homed. I guess it's all you have to do in doggy prison, annoy your neighbors.
You are buying the same package, but Purina changes their ingredient sources based on price and availability. Stress will also cause gas in some dogs.
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