Saved Pearl the Polish life last night


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I meant to mention this earlier but got busy and forgot.

My little polish pullet Pearl (say that 3 times fast
) has this huge crest that had started to completely block her vision. Seems like we just gave her a trim a few weeks ago but she was in need of another one. I've been putting it off. I consider it to be a two man job because I'm always scared of poking her in the eye with the scissors.

Last night at roost time Pearl decided to try and fly up into the rafters of her coop. She managed to get her neck tangled around the chain that one of the fans hangs from. Why is it that chickens are bent on self destruction?!?

I dropped what I was doing and ran into the coop to untangle her. I immediately brought her in the houses and gave her crest the biggest trim I've ever given it. I can't believe the amount of feathers I had to trim.

I'm guessing allowing a polish to keep their full crest in the enviroment we have for them is not a good idea. Pearl has filled the hole in my heart that I've had since my favorite Lil' Bit was killed by a hawk. She's my little buddy. I won't procrastinate about trimming her crest again. Haven't trimmed the polish cockerels crest. Seems like he can see just fine.
Yep, I know he can see because he runs when he sees me coming. Without a big trim little Pearl sees next to nothing. You gotta know that the guy(s) that developed the breed were male. They didn't want the poor little polish hens to be able to see to run away from the roos.
Yep, I know he can see because he runs when he sees me coming. Without a big trim little Pearl sees next to nothing. You gotta know that the guy(s) that developed the breed were male. They didn't want the poor little polish hens to be able to see to run away from the roos.

Good point
No kidding. We thought the chains were safe. There's like a 1/4 inch of space between the hardware cloth window and the chain. Somehow Pearl managed to get between the two. Death wish I tell ya!

I was just out locking the birds up for the night and came up one bird short in the big coop. Looked all over, while the sneaky little thing sat up on top of the human door looking down at me.
With the polish it's that the females crest or poof is all on top of their heads, hanging down in their eyes. My polish roo Ozzy's crest sticks out in every direction like it's supposed to, but doesn't block the eyes.

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