Saving Dale - what have I got myself into?


11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Western PA
So, I got my order of 100 range broilers from JM last Friday.

I have a moderately popular blog, meant to be mostly about dog training, search and rescue, and my English shepherd dogs, but it has veered off into a lot of farm, food, and poultry topics.

One cool thing about blogging that you don't get with traditional publishing is the organic interaction with readers in the comments section.

Last week they started a torch-and-pitchfork storming of the castle in the comments on this post .

Leading to challenges, counterchallenges, and finally, this post .

I understand that the contributions are starting to come in; I may find myself the adoring owner of an overaged range broiler in July.

Just hoping that Dale is a pullet.
OMG. I'm subscribing to this because I want to know how this comes out. Too funny.

But I also want to know what Dale or his/her brothers/sisters, TASTE like, are they tender, how big did you let them get, etc!

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