Scabby+swolen bump (only one bump) on hen's comb, no other lessions. Desperately need help!!

Hello dear chicken community! :hugsI thought I'd post an update for the past few hours. This morning my poor girl was really in bad shape. Very high fever, barely opening her eyes, really seemed out of it. I decided that I'd make a small cut on her comb right below the whitish stuff and try to squeeze whatever that white stuff was. I thought there is not much to loose, because she was basically being half conscious and time is running out. I gently pushed on the bump. Nothing came out. I could see the white fleshly edges on the inside of the cut, they were actually whitish, but no puss or anything, just a little bit of blood. So, I was done poking her poor more...
I've just been keeping the room where she stays warm - between 75-80 F, cleaning her vent every so often, which helped her cool down a bit.
At about 4 pm I decided to give her a cool bath, that's when I saw that her legs still work, and she flapped her both wings too! That was one joyous moment!!!!! Almost right after the bath her body temp went from the usual - 110 down to 109.3! Bath did cool her down pretty well! Then I dried her up well and following the advice here on BYC, I went out and got Penicillin - injectable, (Tractor Supply an hour away from our house had it, I was so grateful they did, because other stores did not carry anything. Some had only Tylan 50). I measured her temp again, it surprisingly showed 106.8 F. I got suspicious and remeasured it five minutes later. It showed 108.3 F. I administered the shot and gave her lots of electrolytes +vitamins +probiotic water and high protein meal/mash (called
Lafeber's Nutri-Start Hand feeding formula for Baby Birds, it's available on Amazon).
I've been applying Cortisone cream on her bump, it looks a bit more swollen than other days, probably because of the cut:hmm:( But her rattling and sneezing completely stopped. (The humidifier with Oxine has been running all these days on low, so not too much cold mist would land on her face.) She is now resting for the night.

I noticed that the further she is in the day (in terms of hours) from getting the antibiotic dose, the weaker she would get. So, I guess Tylan did work somewhat at least.
Thank you all again for hearing our cry today! Have a good night! I'll post more tomorrow :)
Good afternoon everyone,
I am attaching a video from yesterday. This is 30 minutes before the Penicillin shot (while I was waiting for the medicine to warm up to room temperature). I gave 1/4cc, because she is pretty small, weighing 4.5lb. Should I be giving 1/2cc?

DAY 7 [update]
Temperature today so far has been mostly between 108.6 and 109.8 F. She is still very weak. Tried to drink on her own this morning, and managed to "find" the water bowl with her beak twice, but her head was swaying different directions kind of like a newborn baby's head. Why is she doing that? Can it be because her temperature at that time was over 110 again? Is that the reason? I'm terrified to think that her brain got damaged by all that fever for so long.
She pecked at some chopped greens about a 1/4 teaspoon, but not eating anything else on her own. Also, her crop is extremely slow, food from last night is still sitting inside :-( I massage it often to help it go down.
Her poo was brown this time, when I picked her up this morning. Still very liquid, but brown. Other times today the poo was like yesterday - green slimy chunks with lots of clear and urine.
She seems to open her eyes more today and look around, but her manner of head movement is still wobbly. She sleeps a lot.
Her comb is looking half healed already - after my attempt to drain it yesterday morning.
I keep giving her food and mealworms and electrolyte water with vitamins and probiotics.
And I'll give her another injection at 6pm tonight.
I keep thinking about what Evelyn's Mom said "that it might have been a brown recluse bite", I researched last night for awhile, and it does look a lot like the bite from that spider.

Is there anything else I should be doing? How many hours is it usually before one sees improvement with Penicillin? I can try to get her to the vet tomorrow (Monday), but they said they didn't have much experience with chickens. They asked last time if they could take notes from me, because "I knew so much about chickens' common illnesses". (Not sure I know THAT much actually) but I told them what I knew through experience and learning here on BYC as they jotted that all down for 20+ min. (I don't mean to sound cocky or to brag at all, or offend anyone. I apologize if it sounds that way. I do appreciate veterinarian help, and think we'd be in big trouble without them. But I am just not sure how much of a help the doctor we visited would be to us. Unfortunately, I can't afford hundreds of dollars for all the tests that they usually like to do.) However, I can still take her there, especially if my girl has had a poisonous spider bite.
Thank you again for your support and advice!!!
Please feel free to share your thoughts as you watch the video about what you think Amber might be having.

I really don’t have anything to add. I haven’t seen a lesion like that before, so a spider bite could make sense, especially if it is not full of pus. The white sround the lesion looks suspicious for a bite or sting.

The high fever could be affecting her digestion and emptying of the crop. Have you double-checked the thermometer to make sure it is working? Usually temperatures can drop low when they are not eating much. Normal is between 103 and 107, but it varies as to when they have eaten. The vets can be helpful for antibiotics or antiinflammatory drugs, but many don’t know a lot about rare problems. Some who have their own chickens may be more helpful. I doubt if anyone can help you much, other than just giving your supportive care and nutrition. You seem to be doing the right things. Hopefully she can eventually get over this.
Hello Eggcessive! Thank you so much for coming to my thread and for your input!!!
I agree with you, the whitish spots/bumps look suspicious! I am very puzzled by all this myself... I looked up venomous spider bites images and a lot of them do have those very similar white edges/bumps and similar appearance as a whole - like the one on my Amber. I was surprised to see such similarity! But I do not know what ultimately it is.

The thermometer works well (it's a good thought though to always make sure). I've checked it on myself before I started to use it for Amber. I hope and pray she recovers from this too! I think I will start looking into treating spider bites tomorrow and some home remedies that people have seen success with healing. I am also hopeful that maybe someone else who has had similar story, will find this thread and share their thoughts because so far there is not much improvement with my poor bird :-((((...

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