Scalped hen..graphic pic

The outer skin is pretty thin, but after butchering many a bird, skinning and plucking, it takes a bit to tear it if it's not over scalded. I'd agree that small birds like parrots and such have very thin skin though. So I don't think the sutures will tear out that easily on a chicken.
Depends on the injury and location ... over the 5 years on this forum I have seen this being reported many times which is why I thought to mention it (also many members dont have sutures)... it is a quick easy and very effective fix for wide gaping wounds.
Well so far it looks great!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the skin around it doesn't die since it's pretty chewed up too. She's eating, drinking and acting fine:)
Bisqit&Gravy :

For some reason, my OEG rooster, 2 OEG hens and my silkie mix hen started picking on the mille fluers. Why I have no idea as the MF's were here before most of them and no one has bother them before.
Both MF's are in my house now. One hen's comb is all chewed up and the other one has been scalped!!! I cleaned it up the best I could without hurting her and put some antibiotic ointment on it. I have some inj meds but no needles left. Will get some at work tomorrow.

Do ya'll think this will heal up?

If I had a hen like this I'd be bringing sutures home from the office.

SEW it UP... keep her by herself.​
I did close it up and everything was looking great until some of it got necrotic(dead) and turned black causing it to open up some b/c the skin was dead. A few sutures held and it's looking good. Nice and healthy tissue and no odor. Both hens are still together and not picking on eachother. I have them in my house and when I seperated them it was unbearable in here from them screaming. This weekend they are going back outside, somewhere??? Not sure but might fence them off under my deck. There's no way I can put them back in the covered yard. My silkies are in an un-covered yard with a 4 foot pickett fence and I can see the mille fluers going right over that.
Does anyone here clip wings on chickens? I was told to only clip one side but I know with parrots that's not good b/c they can't land safely. If that's not an option I will rehome them b/c I can't have them getting out of my yard b/c these people out here that let their dogs run everywhere. It'll kill me to have them killed by a dog.
I cliped only one side of my chickens wings (do it while they are roosting for the night, it's much easier then.) and they could still fly. I had to clip both sides, no biggie.
I clipped all 5 of mine (well 4 now after today). The first 10 feathers on one side. Make sure the main stem in the middle is not dark, cut only white as they could lose a lot of blood if cut on a blood supply.
I have a rooster and a pheasant hen that both got injured similar or worse than yours. I sprayed it with Oxine to clean it and then put a heaping amount of Nitro-furazone on it to help it heal and keep out stuff. It did wonders and they healed up fast. I left it open so it could drain etc. Best wishes
Most of mine are clipped--both wings. They wouldn't stay in their pen even with high fences.

FYI make sure your scalped bird is not getting an abcess under your suture job? It probably won't but sometimes they can get a yucky infection under the flap that was replaced. I sound pretty good at this point. This has happened to several of mine over the years. I also had a chicken with a wing ripped off by a dog. She made it, too. Good Luck.

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