Scalped Pullet


Rest in Peace 1977-2013
9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
Tower City, PA
Yesterday my son was outside running around with our chickens and he accidently stepped on a young pullet. Her feathers and skin were ripped off the top of her head and down the back of her neck. We applied Neosporin and covered the wound with gauze and secured it with medical tape. Is this treatment okay and what else can we do? I can not imagine she will ever grow feathers back in this area since the skin was removed? Any advice will be appreciated.
We've successfully dealt with a scalped hen that was attacked by other chickens. I'm a big believer in hydrotherapy and have seen it work wonders on all sorts of grotesque wounds, so I would highly recommend it. You simply hold the injured part under warm running water for a few minutes at a time, several times a day (morning and evening, minimum). The principle is that you are mechanically debriding the wound while stimulating healthy tissue to regrow. I used antibiotic ointment between hydro sessions and in the beginning even had to cover the whole back of her head and neck with Liquid Bandage/New Skin because she literally had no skin there at all. Her feathers actually grew back too! Good luck to you!
Thank you! I've never heard of this but will certainly give it a try. She has been so good with allowing us to help her. She is so calm! Thanks again!

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