Scaly Leg Mites?! Feathers falling out?! please help.


Free Ranging
Oct 15, 2018
My Coop
My Coop
Last week I notice that my Buff Orpington Hen Popcorn had lost more feathers than the rest of my flock. I just noticed it and moved on assuming it was just the effects of molting season. however, today I saw that her whole back and butt was bare. no tail feathers left. It could just be over molting, (if that's possible). But she is missing a lot of feathers.:(
Another thing I noticed was her toe scales were raised so this set me off a bit I am suspecting scaly leg mites but I am not sure. (the middle toe is not captured well in the picture but, it is raised a lot)
I have attached some photos. Tell me what you think! thanks!:jumpy
it's a pain but vasoline for 7-14 days will work I used to use gas in severe cases so it would kill them faster gas dip and then dry and apply A+D after and for a couple of days. In extreme cases you may have to dip twice. It looks like leg mites how the scales are raised and the feather loss could be from stress.
Photos of her feather loss would also be helpful. It may be moulting or it may be mating damage if you have any males in the flock, especially adolescent ones or it may be feather picking either due to parasites or boredom/bullying. Some birds just lose a small number of feathers at a time and others have a hard moult and look half bald almost overnight. You should see pin feathers coming in if it is moulting.

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