Scaly leg mites?

I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with my silver laced wyandotte rooster. For probably a month (maybe a little more) we've noticed he is "off balance". Falls off the roost, several times after first getting on, and I'm assuming that may happen all night long. He will be standing and all the sudden start looking like he's falling backwards onto his butt.. but doesn't fall pushes himself back forward. you can tell he walks like he's in some kind of pain. Even when he goes to mount a hen, he usually falls off. his balance is that bad. At times he legs will become extremely red, almost blood red. he eats and drinks fine, EXCEPT when free ranging we have found alot of times, he's actually laying down to eat... weird I know.. My husband and I examined him today, no sign of "bumble foot" which I read about before. But to me the scales on his feet look very abnormal. I didn't have my phone to take a pic but I found a couple photos online of what his legs, feet look like. I examined him GOOD and didn't see any signs of any kind of mites or bugs, but we are just dumbfuzzeled on what this could be. any suggestions and advice from any of you would be greatly appreciated! you guys are the BEST place to find answers when it comes to chickens!what is it? how to treat it? thanks in advance.
Leg mites might not be his only problem causing his weak legs and falling, but it can be easily treated. Once a week soak his feet and legs in warm soapy water, and gently scrub his legs with an old tooth brush to losen the scales. Dry the legs well, then apply castor oil (or other oils which may be more messy,) and rub the oil up under the scales. If done for several weeks you should see the legs growing new healthy scales.
Vitamin deficiencies and Mareks disease can cause lameness, but injuries are also common. A good poultry multivitamin in the food or water can be helpful, or even a human B Complex tablet crushed into his food may help. Look his feet and legs over for sores or scabs on footpads and for swelling. Redness in legs can many times be a sign of fertility.
Also ma I suggest usine my WET MASH PROBIOTIC RECIPE
it has the vitamins and helps the chicken get over E.Coli which the bird will have when sick. And scaley leg mites is a sickness to the chickens body
National Poultry News
Glenda Heywood
May I suggest what I would do for the whole flock....
I have used my WET MASH PROBIOTIC RECIPE for this kind of chickens growing new scales.
For this problem I recommend my wet mash probiotic with yoguart be given.
I prefer to use the wet mash probiotic that includes chicken feed, yoguart and milk with applesauce
because chickens will eat the yoguart completely in the wet mash where as some chickens will not just eat yoguart and it gets on their beaks, of which then they throw it away when cleaning the beaks
as you will notice if standing too close to them eating the yoguart

So read on down where I give the recipe
some advice for helping the chicken get over any disease.

today I would see if the chicken will eat a wet mash with the Vitamins E and B complex and selenium: I would fix it for all the chickens,
The vitamins will help their bodies become adjusted to the wet mash probiotic mash.

natural probiotic wet mash
2 tbp of dry crumbles
1 tbsp flax seed meal (the kind people take)
3 tbp of milk sweet, sour or buttermilk
1 tbsp of non flavored yogurt
2 tbsp of apple sauce
put it on top so the chicken can smell and see it
mix good and put the
vit E liquid as directed in the wet mash
and crumble the Vit B complex tablet in a tabsp and add to the wet mash
Crush the selenium tablet alo add to t mash

(C Do this once a day for 7 days to see if the chicken is better
then do this once a day for another week.
Now feed the wet mash probiotic mash then twice a week for life of chickens
this should give the nervous system some stability and cure the bad E.coli in the gut
(D) they should clean it up in 20-30 minutes
this will help them get good gut flora
also put 2 tbsp of ACV in gallon of water and keep giving them this water for a week straight
then give it 3-5 times a week for life
multiply the amount times the amount of chickens being fed the wet mash probiotic recipe without the vitamins As directed up above.
Leg mites might not be his only problem causing his weak legs and falling, but it can be easily treated. Once a week soak his feet and legs in warm soapy water, and gently scrub his legs with an old tooth brush to losen the scales. Dry the legs well, then apply castor oil (or other oils which may be more messy,) and rub the oil up under the scales. If done for several weeks you should see the legs growing new healthy scales.
Vitamin deficiencies and Mareks disease can cause lameness, but injuries are also common. A good poultry multivitamin in the food or water can be helpful, or even a human B Complex tablet crushed into his food may help. Look his feet and legs over for sores or scabs on footpads and for swelling. Redness in legs can many times be a sign of fertility.
So you don't think the lack of balance has anything to do with the scaly mites?I've been giving him a poultry multivitamin already. There is one small "scab" on one of his feet, but it doesn't seem to bother him even if I push on it, and his foot pads aren't swollen. When you say red legs could be a sign of fertility, could you elaborate? I didn't think that the scaly mites would or should cause off balance, which is what is scaring me so bad. Even when he roosts, its like he tries to balance on his front toes, which is when he usually falls off.

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