Scared eggless?


5 Years
Jul 28, 2014
So my youngest hen, Clover, has just layed her first jelly egg. It's storming pretty badly, (lots of lightning) and the egg was right under her on the roost like she had an accident. Did she just get so scared she layed? She has constant access to grit, layer pellets, oyster shells, and cracked corn, along with whatever bugs and such she finds in the yard. Should I be worried or am I just overreacting? (Once again) Also, is it ok to eat the egg or do I need to toss it?
It is very common for first eggs to be dripped from the roost and for them not to have proper shells on them. I personally do not eat shell-less eggs.
This isn't her first egg :/ she's actually been laying for about a year and a half. (It's so weird. It has a shell but it's soft, like a snake egg.)

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