Scared new hens hiding in the nest - Other hens can't lay


May 18, 2020
Hi guys

We're new to hens but did our homeworks and research a bit before acquiring our hens.
Long story short: we had 7 hens for 4 weeks (now 23 weeks old). One of the hens was supposed to lay blue eggs, turns out that they are brown (she's an hybrid). The lady from whome they come then told me she would give me an ameraucanna to be sure that we could have 8 eggs. We kept the brown-supposed-to-be-blue-eggs hen. We now have 8 hens.

The new one was introduced on Friday. They lady told us (they are professional, breeding thousands of chickens per year) that since they were all youndg, introduction should be not so bad. That they would fight a bit and settle in a week.

We are now Sunday. Things are a bit better but that hen is scared of the others. She's yelling and become very agitated when they come near her. All the others hens stirred with her agitation and chased her. So she decided to hide in the coop, in the nest box. Even if there's a hen in there laying and pecking her.

This morning I had an egg on the floor because she won't let the other hens in, because she's hiding on there (its the favourite box).
I took her out with ceremony and put her outside. She's now hiding under the coop. I could probably provide a hiding spot. She's not that bullied, she's a bit over reacting honestly. She's also younger than the other (19-20 weeks old). The first night she was pushing and trying to go under the others on the roost. She will go in the coop in the evening bit won't come out, she's jumping right in the nest at the first occasion in the morning.

Do you think she'll settle ?

I don't have a lot of patience for that kind of behaviour I must confess :p
I think a slower integration would've helped - maybe for someone with thousands of chickens, just tossing them together works, but in a small backyard flock there's no way for 1 new bird to not stick out against others that have been together for 4 weeks, forming a pecking order, in your environment.

Integration with just 1 bird is always tougher because there's no one else to help distract attention from her. I'd backtrack and try again with a see but dont touch approach, putting her in a separate enclosure/area within sight of the other birds so they can acclimate without being able to hurt one another. Maybe take one of your most docile birds and put it in with her, so she has a "friend" by her side to integrate with.
Any luck? I brought 2 new hens to be with my 2 other hens. My main hen chases them and they hide in the hen house...all day if I dont intervene. Been 3 like to end this soon

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