Scatter feed or put it in a trough?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 12, 2013
Southern Arkansas
My chickens are outside now, and I had been told to scatter the food to teach them to scavenge and such and that it would be just fine for them to eat like that at all times. However, the other day, my dad read that it should be in an elevated trough. So, what's the deal guys? I'm still very new to this. (Obviously) thanks in advance!
My chickens are outside now, and I had been told to scatter the food to teach them to scavenge and such and that it would be just fine for them to eat like that at all times. However, the other day, my dad read that it should be in an elevated trough. So, what's the deal guys? I'm still very new to this. (Obviously) thanks in advance!
I found that scattering the food is an awful wast of food. Instinct will make them scratch and peck.
You don't need to teach chickens how to scratch or eat. They are instinct driven and know what to do. Putting it in some sort of feeder that they can not stand in will keep the food cleaner and they will waste less.
Put a wire or a loose dowel a cross the lenght of the trough. This is my chicks trough. When I first put it in at our weeks or so the smaller ones can still stand in it. By the time they are six weeks the wire stops them.
There are some wonderful pictures of different feeders all through this site. Look through them all and see what you want to use.

I use a big hanging metal feeder ( the standard kind you see at the feed stores) as well as a homemade wooden trough with roof so it can be outside (no pic, sorry). But I really like two of everything since I always have a mixed flock, usually a few bantams with standards and i want to make sure that everyone really and truly can eat whenever they want.

I do toss some scratch out, just because it is fun. I also toss some scratch into the coop bedding so that the chicks stir it all up for me. I use the deep litter method, and it helps the bedding look cleaner.

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