Scraggly 7 week old Easter Egger still not feathered...

It looks to me like her feathers have been pulled out. She is most likely being bullied. You said you have been giving them treats, do they have grit?
I was concerned about bullying which is why she is lodged with two extremely docile Partridge olive eggers. I have kept a close eye on them and have never seen any bullying activity. Also Camilla’s skin is smooth and shows not signs of having been pecked or having her feathers plucked. But just to make sure it is probably worth setting up the camera to double check. Thanks for the input!
Maybe she's doing her "teenager" molt (usually around 5ish weeks) a little late?
It’s more like she’s stuck in teenage molt! She’s been like this for about two weeks. Physically she is growing and gaining weight but not feathering. My forever teenager chicken—anybody have any chicken sweater patterns?
Looks like a speckled Sussex to me so may be just a bit slower to feather than the others.
First let me be so bold as to answer your tag line-we stand a good chance of finding our better selves in the hen house! She should be but the other speckled Sussex that came from the same hatching day are also way ahead of her. As a little chick she looked exactly like the other Easter eggers—like a fuzzy chipmunk chicken. It’s not impossible but she is still way behind with the feathering. Again—she seems very healthy otherwise which is why I’m so puzzled.
She is NOT molting. :rolleyes:
Eye roll not necessary. I was in the hospital when you posted this. You aren't the OP. I'm not sure if I can make this about me. But I was hit by a car bike riding. A mountain bike. And my battery was low I didn't respond. I raised adult chickens before. Mine molted similar. But this chicken has something else.
This is so sad! I hope that isn’t what is happening, but I am glad you posted so the info is out there.
I hope it isn't too. Yeah, I'm not sure what the problem was. I'm guessing something genetic such as inbreeding or something. I offered a lot of vitamin supplements to her and nothing ever helped. Eventually the chickens I had integrated her and her sisters with killed her. They knew something was wrong with her from the start. They accepted her sisters readily but always stayed away from her. I started a thread about her a while ago. No one seemed to know much.
I got an SS from MPC in August. Other than being mis-sexed (he was supposed to be a she), he grew well and was extremely friendly.
That's good! Sorry she was actually a he though. It happens.
Oh man. I would have been so sad! I know even with good breed stock it can happen, that is how genetics rolls out sometimes. It is a shame it sounds like it is happening with some frequency though. SS are one of my dream breeds, I think they are just beautiful and they have a lovely personality reputation. The little cockerel we accidentally got in our pullet shipment was just the nicest guy, we had to rehome him due to the laws about roosters here, but he was a gem. I am pulling for the OP and her little chick. I really hope it pulls through.
Yeah. I missed my little girl. She had such a nice personality. Too bad you had to rehome your little guy. Speckled Sussexes are so nice. I had one a few years before the messed up one, and she was amazing. My littke brother had named her Dory. Unfortunately she got eaten by a dog while we were out of town. My SSs do not have very good track records. It's sad, I loved them so much. If you have the chance to get some, go for it. They're amazing. And the fact that they're dual purpose is really cool.

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