Scrap Cooping!


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
There are plenty of threads out there with pictures of beautiful and very well planned out coops.

This is NOT one of those threads.

This is a thread for all the coops that we cobble together in the last hour before our unplanned purchased chickens get dropped off.
You know the ones, made out of all the bits and pieces of wood, wire, and plastic you have piled up behind the shed.
They may not be pretty but as long as they are functional they are still useful.
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This coop has new wire bought specifically for building this coop but everything else except for the hinges is recycled from our scrap pile.


The entire one some of the roof opens for cleaning or there is a smaller door for night checks and egg collection. The second side of the roof is plastic over wire to let in plenty of light. The entire lower section is covered with wire and there are doors on each side so that grabbing an evasive chicken is easier.
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This coop is a Pallet, Wire, Plastic, and Old Thrown Away Door creation.

I bought some $5 a piece one year old Plymouth Barred Rocks and needed somewhere for them to sleep.


When the door is open it creates a nice shady porch area.
When the door is closed the coop is predator proof.
We're doing a recycle coop. DH got bouts 12-13 junk pallets from work and we're using all of it for the coop which will be inside a shed for extra security
that's where the coop will sit :)
Hi everyone. This is my first coop, built by myself. Its not all pretty but it does the job and I am well proud of myself for building it. It was built using all scrap material around the house. Some old fence boards. I plan on enclosing the back half with plywood or boards, and build a hinge door for the back for easy access to nest boxes. I have a tree branch for roosting and an old dog kennel for them. So far they love it, it is light weight so I with the help of my hubby can move it around the yard from time to time. It is 6 x 8 and it houses my 3 cochin bantams and 2 japanese bantams. I plan on maybe adding on, my hubby says it is a never ending work in I love my chickens. We live in an area where we dont have any stray dogs or major predators, just a few scaredy cats. I have chicken wire on it, but I have reinforced it with wire mesh, for added protection. I do let them free range during the daytime.[/IM

This is my coop just a quick one with what was avalable.

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