
Well for what its worth, I do try to set eggs by the signs/dates published even though not all documents coincide with the other on the exact days, but here's something I noticed. All the dates are usually within a day of each other starting/or ending and they go along with the best times for seed planting in the moon's constellation signs and there are 3: Cancer; Scorpio; and Pisces these are also known as the water signs.

I don't know who, why or exactly how that somebody took all the time to figure this stuff out, but in general there's enough to it to make a difference, esp. in gardening. All of it works with the gravitational pull of the moon, and just as the tide rises and falls so does the water in the soil and the "lunatics brains" on a fully moonlit night(LOL). All this stuff was recorded way back in the day before TV's, cellphones and computers and I can't imagine them having anything else to do except scribing diaries and journals on their tablets of stone of the events that happened that day and why. Well, somebody did and a I'm so proud for them to have such gumption and go-ahead to do so or we'd be lost geese in this day and time of nanno-tubes and digits and such

I'm packing your eggs, Kathy. Will wait till night to close up the box, though, to get all the eggs from today. One I had marked BR could be GJs, so I'm confused, LOL. Her eggs are usually identifiable by being lighter beige and shiny finish, but if she laid one that was a tad different, well, anyway, I'm sending every single egg laid in that coop this week so whatever you do get, hopefully, you'll have some really nice BRs from them! Some are really decent size eggs, now that I look at them again, bordering on large, even.

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