SE Montana

I have some lovely friends 10 miles up the road, they came and helped get another roof up. I was worn out by this point cause this whole project from start to where the roof took off is a week worth of work. I was at muscle failure by this pointed and still needed to get those 75 plus pound sheets up or I wouldn't had asked them. Anyways this is continuing from then onward. Took me 3 weeks in total time to build this, I think I spent more time ripping nails and screws out with squaring up sheets of OSB than building.

Wishing you mild weather for a few years to come.
If we have over a month with mild weather we get worried out here, random storms ripping things, snow storms trying to bury you or freeze you in -40° temperatures, to high winds that hit 80 mph, droughts, wild fires. It gets brutal here.
If we have over a month with mild weather we get worried out here, random storms ripping things, snow storms trying to bury you or freeze you in -40° temperatures, to high winds that hit 80 mph, droughts, wild fires. It gets brutal here.
Now you're sounding like the years we spent in NW MO.... Hurricane force winds and it was the norm in the spring.
Forgot to mention, I live off-grid, about 40 to 50 miles from nearest town down rock road. For the interior I took reused billboard in the floor and nailed a furring strip to the walls to hold it in place before putting hay down. Nesting boxes are next on the list. Who wants a tour? I custom built them a feeder for the winter from 4.5" pipe and they have a water system that will be inside with them for the winter. In this video they are in training of where home is and how to get in. Been at this past week keeping them in small area till the get use to it and will let them venture over time. So far they see me and think, yep better get inside! Have to close the door or they run back in.
Feel free to see other happenings here on my channel...
Hello, and welcome to BYC! So glad you joined us! :frow

I absolutely love your coop! 😍
Thanks, I read somewhere minimum 5 square feet a bird, so I figure to aim for 10 square feet. Thought about adding chickens and making it where chickens roost above the ducks. Problem is they would wipe out the wife's garden.
Thanks, I read somewhere minimum 5 square feet a bird, so I figure to aim for 10 square feet.
Yes, 5 sq ft is about the minimum. But bigger the better!
Thought about adding chickens and making it where chickens roost above the ducks.
I know quite a few people do that.
Problem is they would wipe out the wife's garden.
Definitely, you'd have to fence off the garden.
Yes, 5 sq ft is about the minimum. But bigger the better!

I know quite a few people do that.

Definitely, you'd have to fence off the garden.
Which has me leaning towards guinea fowl for meat birds. Twenty-five Khaki Campbell's popping eggs we are going to be inundated with eggs.

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