Searching for pullets in Connecticut.


Mar 27, 2016
Forgive me if I'm posting in the wrong place, I'm new!

We're looking to acquire about 4 chickens, and I'm looking for a place in or around Connecticut where we can actually go pick out our birds. We're looking for layer breeds. I have a 5 year old and he's hellbent on picking out a hen and naming her Kevin, and I'm a sucker for this kid. Everywhere I've called doesn't have them or plan on having them, but I understand it's still a bit early in the season.

So, if anyone knows a place in Connecticut, Rhode Island, southern Massachusetts or western New York that might accommodate us, please let me know.

Also, in case I'm completely SOL on my search, anyone know a place that would sell/ship four pullets?


I know Murray McMurray hatchery sells and ships ready to lay pullets.
In my opinion, especially with a little kid, start off with some chicks. Ready to lay Pullets (esp from larger hatcheries) haven't been handled much all their lives and are somewhat skittish. I'm assuming your 5-year-old is going to want to play with and hold "Kevin", and you want a gentle bird who is used to being handled since day one (of course he will have to be gentle with them!)
If you have a local farm store, they may have chicks at this time of year, so you can pick out the chicks you want; most hatcheries have a minimum order of 10-25 chicks.
Go on Facebook and look for the poetry clubs in your area(s). RI has the little Rhody poultry fanciers club. There are always people selling pullets and a few are professional poultry judges.

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