
Still up here on Whidbey but wanted to say hello
Two of the quails we got turned out to be males... The breeder told us they were all females. So now we have 7 males and one female. We don't know what to do... We still need some females, if anyone knows of any anywhere around Seattle.

If you are interested in two males, please let us know. They are smokey and blue face. We would like to keep them, but we don't have enough space.
Oh I think I need to get myself out of the barn and take a road trip for dinner! Whidbey Island is a favorite NW spot and its been more than a few months since I had dinner at my absolute favorite restaurant... Tango on Pike Street. El Diablo is just too good for words
hmm, need to stop at the spice store below the Pike Street market. I might need Market Spice tea now that I think about it....


Seattle in the summer is beautiful
I keep missing you on DIY Chat.
How's feathers and things?

Been busy but going good

Have some birds listed on craigslist, berry picking and garden takes up most my time now adays besides work.
its gorgeous up here right now, very mild summer up here in the 60s with a high maybe topping 70. Let me know if you want to buy any ducks - they bred like mad this summer and we're over-run!

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