Sebastopol geese - selecting breeding stock, color genetics, and color improvement

I have had to post pictures on facebook, then copy and paste them here. But I just uploaded one to the TN thread- first time in weeks it let me do it that way.

I have problems here a lot posting pics.

I sent you a PM.
Has one of the other geese been pulling feathers as the feather in picture look like down and not full feathers.
I think its just the way its laying. Its got some long ones on there. Did I post this one?

They all have pretty much pink tails at the moment. I hope that will go away before fall picture time. Anything I can do to get them clean? Keep them away from the ducks, I guess.
No I can not if there is a mud puddle they find it and jump right in!!!! Now if we had more grass instead of dirt that would help! For some reason grass just does not grow well near our house... Ron has tried to get grass he has seeded and it will take but dies right away. He also put down top soil and it still died...?????
I think its just the way its laying. Its got some long ones on there. Did I post this one?

They all have pretty much pink tails at the moment. I hope that will go away before fall picture time. Anything I can do to get them clean? Keep them away from the ducks, I guess.
Goose and Fig, I just took this yesterday and this a female lavender and she is light on body right now accept for her neck. The do fade in the summer sun.

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