Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

This was a young baby Powder Blue from last summer. I will post adult pictures later.

Those are beautiful!!!! You lucky to have those showing up.

I went up to the coop this morning and looked under momma duck and all the eggs have externally peeped an two counting the little sebbe have completely hatched out, I started with 5 eggs (3 dewlap Toulouse, 2 sebbies) under my broody Cochin hen, then moved them under a broody buff duck and even through all the moving and variables all 5 have at least started to hatch, I think that I a pretty good hatch rate! And the lady i got the dewlap eggs from is giving me 3 more to try and hatch out!!!
This was a young baby Powder Blue from last summer. I will post adult pictures later.

Just wondering if you have any blues you could post for comparison in color. I have a blue pair that I purchased from Holderread four years ago and they look very close in color to your picture. I am wondering how much difference there is between blue and powder blue. Thanks.
They are lovely....
Kansas!! I didn't think anyone in Kansas had sebbies!! I must be terrible at finding people but I just started out with Sebbies and am an hour south of KC. Please tell me you are out in western Kansas! I would love to have someone in the state that is working on them for advice and if you have any birds available this fall???

This was a young baby Powder Blue from last summer. I will post adult pictures later.
I almost wish I could just get out the shop vac and get the moult over with already. They look so crappy.

As for the powder blue- I had a female that color last year- she was they result of an American Blue Gander over a Cotton Patch Goose. Very pretty- not really blue, and not grey.
Holderreads isn't selling sebbies anymore.


I don't have babies to sell, but I may have something available this fall. I am still hatching. I have around 20 eggs in the incubator and just put five under a setting goose.
Hi Jean, I was going to try to contact you. Do you have a wait list? I should have talked to you more in Stevenson. I wish I'd gotten more incubating advice. I've only had a few eggs develop out of more than a dozen tried. And I thought silkies were heartbreaking! Thanks for the info, please let me know if you end up with babies for sale. (or older, I'm not choosy) Julie
Hey Julie -- I'm sorry for your failed hatches!
Have you tried your local craigslist? Oregon should be "covered up" in sebbies since Holderread's and Metzer are both on the west coast. Good luck!
Hi Kim,

Thank you, yes, I've searched CL. I know a gal in Roseburg that had a couple 2 year old ganders but that's it. Metzer is sold out. They sold out pretty fast. I didn't place an order because I was sure I could hatch some out myself. Doh! Not so easy! I might try again if I can find a really reliable source for eggs but I'd love to buy some babies or juvies.

My american geese are dropping feathers everywhere. I'm guessing the sebbies will be starting anytime....

Can't wait to see them in their new feathers!!!!
Thank heavens, my pair are looking positively ratty right now! I will be glad when they molt, they need it. My adult pair has "adopted" the five juveniles as their own!! It is the sweetest thing, mom ushers everyone into the nest for bedtime and dad settles down outside the door to guard them. I can't believe how smitten they are with those babies. The goose had a failed hatched and I think she is so excited to have babies she can't hardly stand it. They are the sweetest birds!

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