Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

goose babies are the cutest! I love the big feet on the African Toulouse seb crosses
i have one cotton patch on target to hatch in next few days and 8 sebbies that are alive in their eggs! then 3 more cotton patch after that hope they all make it.
goose babies are the cutest! I love the big feet on the African Toulouse seb crosses
i have one cotton patch on target to hatch in next few days and 8 sebbies that are alive in their eggs! then 3 more cotton patch after that hope they all make it.
I am glad that I am not the only one that thought their feet were huge! te he They are darling!
If the eggs are really dirty, they will still hatch fine if you wash them. I do.My waterfowl eggs frequently get much dirtier than my chicken eggs. The real worry is that they will lose more moisture faster if all the bloom is washed off. You can candle regularly to keep an eye on that. and stop misting if they start to lose too much moisture. I also keep dirtier eggs on one side of the bator to keep a closer eye on them for any smell etc. If something is too dirty to even wash off and still be confident that I am not going to contaminate my whole incubator, I put it under a chicken and cross my fingers.
Just thought I would update on my no goose eggs. Well all of the sudden the switch went on. Pilgrims, Africans, Americans, and one Sebbie laying. I went out to check this past weekend and
and I had nests with eggs.
Congrats on the eggs!

I have my first full-blown broody Seb of the season. Gave her some eggs from my white birds and it was the happiest I have seen her since watermelon season. She had to bring all the other geese in to show them her bounty.
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Hi everyone!
I have 2 sebby goose eggs... I have received them for free when I was picking up a trio of ducks! I don't really know what to expect! I looked up how to properly hatch the eggs so I will see if I can do it! And if I can what can I expect from these geese? Here with the pond we get a pair of Canadian Geese that come in and sit on a nest and hatch babies almost every year so I know how "nasty" these geese can get. But how "nasty" can the sebby's get? I know there are some on the local duck pond and they are pretty chill and just honk here and there. How are they in comparison to ducks? I have plenty of duck experience. Any help would be awesome!

Just to add the female is a grey straight and the male is a curly breasted that paired to make the eggs I have.
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