Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

They look like boys to me.
About how old r they when there feathers start to turn in to ribbons. I Am very new to this breed but am in love I have a little boy who follows me around like a puppy. He never leaves my side. His name is Pickle for now. He got that name because he wouldn't let anyone near me so he would pick at them,lol! I love my Pickle he's a sweet boy, he lets be love him and pet him. He even lets me pick him up.
They are a few months old when they start getting some curly big bird feathers. If they are curly, that is.

Renie- if your geese can't get to grit naturally, you can put a rubber bowl outside with play sand in it. I do that, and even when it fills up with rain, the geese can scoop up sand from the bottom. I actually like to leave water in it because it keeps the cats from pooping in it!

As far as sexing them goes- behavior wise- is Garth "guarding" the others? Some of my boys do this, but not all.
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When I bought my Sebastopol the guy said there wore about 6months old but they don't have any curls yet. At first I started thinking maybe he lied to me about the breed but he has everything else blue eyes orange legs.
If they are 6 months they should have a good amount of curl. They may be totally smooth sebs- I have one myself.

Here's a curly and a smooth-breasted. Even smooth-breasted show some back curls by 4 or 5 months.

Ginsberg is just dirty on his neck, he is actually totally white. Sooooo nice to finally see the sun here!
If they are 6 months they should have a good amount of curl. They may be totally smooth sebs- I have one myself. Here's a curly and a smooth-breasted. Even smooth-breasted show some back curls by 4 or 5 months. Ginsberg is just dirty on his neck, he is actually totally white. Sooooo nice to finally see the sun here!
Oh your curly one is just so pretty. Who's that trying to steal the photo op, lol.

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