Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Hi everyone!

I have 2 sebby goose eggs... I have received them for free when I was picking up a trio of ducks! I don't really know what to expect! I looked up how to properly hatch the eggs so I will see if I can do it! And if I can what can I expect from these geese? Here with the pond we get a pair of Canadian Geese that come in and sit on a nest and hatch babies almost every year so I know how "nasty" these geese can get. But how "nasty" can the sebby's get? I know there are some on the local duck pond and they are pretty chill and just honk here and there. How are they in comparison to ducks? I have plenty of duck experience. Any help would be awesome!

Just to add the female is a grey straight and the male is a curly breasted that paired to make the eggs I have. 

Wow! That's awesome! Hope you get some babies! Or A baby is more likely from two eggs, but you never know! My male was pretty mean until he got used to me. Now he just hisses a little and gets really loud if i get near his girlfriend thats sitting on eggs. They aren't nearly as tall as Canadian geese, so it's not very scary. I still make sure little kids stay away from them just in case. Good luck!
Sooooooooo Lillian's eggs are due today (its day 30) and our entire family is watching her very closely. She stood up once today to arrange her eggs and I can't see any goslings . Sebastian is RIGHT next to her. He won't leave her side. It's so sweet! She has 8 eggs under her. I candeled once around day 12 and all had growth but I wasn't sure about the development of one. I'm sure I won't get any sleep this weekend! Anyway we were planning on keeping 3-4 and our original plan was to grow them all out and sell the ones we dont want to keep in the fall at the first shows. But someone wants to buy a gosling after they all hatch. I have no idea on pricing. What do you guys charge? I'm just trying to get a ball park figure. :) Here is Sebastain protecting her: Here they are this winter
I sold mine for $40 each, but I bought my geese a few months ago and know nothing about the bloodlines ect. I just wanted to find good homes for them. Giving the rest to a friend of mine. I think $60 is about normal?
40-50 is normal average for unknown bloodlines and unknown quality. The better the parent stock the higher the price could go, but is based on local market and what someone will pay also.

she has a great hatch this weekend
Metzer Farms are about $59, so I have mine at $55 for babies this year. But I only sold a few, the rest will be grown out and priced according to color and quality in the fall.

Soooo- the loggers are here!!!!!! We're clearing 5 more acres all the way down to pasture, plus it will give the birds direct access to the creek. Yay grass!
I sell mine for $50 all day long. I am sure you would have no problem selling them for that or even more because you have shown the parents. If she is standing up and looking under, they are probably pipping. They can take up to 48 hrs to hatch after pipping. Good luck! You can sleep after they are hatched.
I would either block that pond or something from the babies, they could fall in and not get out. I use really shallow water pans for babies like 2-3 inches deep with rocks in them so they can get out easily. Otherwise sebs are awesome parents! Congrats!
Hey all, have a question for you. I have 3 goslings for sale. I have a lady who is interested, but only in girls. She has 2 adult ganders and wants to get girls for them. I understand her position, but if she comes over and we try to vent sex them and we decide that 2 are girls and 1 is boy, I don't think it is fair to me or the babies that are bonded, to sell her the 2 girls and leave me the boy. Do you require to sell in pairs? Do you ask that if you have only 3 that they sell together? How do you guys handle this? I am torn between understanding her side and my own...
As Celtic says depending on the quality of your sebbies the prices can start at $50.00 and go up to $65.00 per goslings. I have tried to have very good quality sebbies so I charge $55.00 to $65.00 per gosling. I know that Samantha, Sassafras, Ginger and Gloria are very nice quality sebastopols and Samantha has proven that over and over on the quality of her goslings. I have bred her with Sammie at first and produced Sassafrass a beautiful white goose. Then bred her with Grant and she produced Spicie a beautiful grey splash gander.

Good luck in selling your babies!

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