Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Hey all, have a question for you. I have 3 goslings for sale. I have a lady who is interested, but only in girls. She has 2 adult ganders and wants to get girls for them. I understand her position, but if she comes over and we try to vent sex them and we decide that 2 are girls and 1 is boy, I don't think it is fair to me or the babies that are bonded, to sell her the 2 girls and leave me the boy. Do you require to sell in pairs? Do you ask that if you have only 3 that they sell together? How do you guys handle this? I am torn between understanding her side and my own...
I would make her wait for another hatch so you wouldn't have a lone gosling. And price the girls higher for not taking a boy with them. That is what I do with my chickens.
Daze, how I handle it is I sell the goslings in 3 when warmer to ship or 4 goslings if it is colder. If they come pick them up they can buy just one if the like. But I do NOT sex them. They get what I have at the time of all the same age. It is not fair to you to maybe getting stuck with all the extra ganders. Tell the person she has to purchase 2 or more but no sexing them. When we are purchasing from breeders they do not sex them out for us we get what we get and take our chances. If she insists on females price them higher since you have to sex them and she will not take a male.
Today is day 31 and Lillian was off her nest so I walked over and smelled a bad stench. One of the eggs was broke in the back of the crate but it was a early quitter and very stinky. I removed the egg. So she has 6 eggs now. I'm getting worried. No pips.
I read it can take 32-35 days. What's the average time for them to hatch?
Oh bummer- nothing worse than a rotten goose egg! Mine have been hatching on day 29, but that is inside. Cooler temps can delay hatch a bit.

Here are 2 babies that just hatched. One is from a grey saddleback x grey saddleback pair and it has darker feet. The other one is form a grey saddleback x blue and its feet are light. Its also got more yellow/bright down. Does this mean anything? Bills are similar.

Sarah, did they all stink, or just the one? You can usually just smell the shell and smell if they are rotten or not. We will keep our fingers crossed that the rest will hatch!
babies here are sold in pairs or straight run and nothing else because no-one wants to be left with a bunch of ganders. Shewould be better off waiting till fall and buying juveniles at that time when the sorting is done by most breeders and the extras are put up for sale. Also if you dont know how to vent sex I surely would let a stranger come over to do it before they buy. What if she isnt good at it either and injures a gosling?

Amy cute babies, congratson the newest hatch.
Sarah, did they all stink, or just the one? You can usually just smell the shell and smell if they are rotten or not. We will keep our fingers crossed that the rest will hatch!
Just the one. It was broken and tons of yucky yellow stuff was all over it. I believe it had started to incubate and was an early quitter. When I candeled around day 10 one looked differently than the others. I should have taken it out but I left it.
Our Sebastopol eggs usually hatch at 30 days. I have left them go longer and they have not hatched. But do not know if outside under a goose if the cooler weather will take longer to hatch or not?

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