Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Yay, i have a cotton patch baby! 48 hours after pipping with a tiny bit of help she is out, when she dries of i will take pics. Makes me hopeful that the sebbies will make it, an Willow is on the nest again so...maybe a second clutch of eggs is coming?
Congrats! Can't wait to see pics of the cutie!
Can someone point me in the direction of a nice egg day by day log of how the geese eggs should look? I know
there are lots out there for the ducks like when veins should be and so on so fourth... any help would be nice!!! :)

And congrats on the gooseling!
Good news!!!! So I candeled and this is what I found: one egg with a small pip. Two eggs with movement and close to piping. Three eggs with no movement but the development was perfect.
So I'm hopeful!!!!!!
Here she is! I held her for a long time after taking her out of the bator, she was very chatty lol i guess she had alot to say about getting out of that egg!
I got the new incubator cleaned and now I am just trying to get the temp set. I have had it running for two days now and it is just a bit high.

I hope by the end of the day I can get it tinkered to the right setting.
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Good news!!!! So I candeled and this is what I found: one egg with a small pip. Two eggs with movement and close to piping. Three eggs with no movement but the development was perfect.
So I'm hopeful!!!!!!
I am so very excited for you!!! Sometimes the geese are just setting on the eggs at night to keep them from freezing and we think they have started to set for real. Anyway, hopefully you will have goosies very soon!!!

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