Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Darn it! I have one goose setting on 6 eggs (that are due on Easter) and one goose that is likes to help the first goose raise her broods, but is not a very good broody herself. They were fighting over the eggs today and broke one. Lost a little gosling....
I locked her up now so they cannot do it again.
Just a little update. The little gosling that was stepped on his doing great! We didn't think he would survive but he is fine now! We named him Henry. We love him so much already! So three of the eggs in the incubator hatched. The one under Lillian did not but I didn't think it was alive anyway. So I have 4 adorable goslings! I tried to give two to Lillian and she did great! I sat in her pen for a few hours but Sebastain walked over and pecked the gosling real hard. So I took them back. They are in the house under a heat lamp for now. My plan is to brood them for a few days until they are strong then remove Sebastian. Hopefully she won't flip (they are never away from each other). I'm surprised he did that since he was very protective of the eggs when she was sitting. I have called Sherry (Daze333) a few times to ask questions and she has been very helpful (thanks Sherry!) This is a short video of Lillian and one of her goslings
Anyway here are some pics. Henry is the one with the blood on his beak This one just hatched. I'm a little worried about his legs so in going to keep an eye on him
take the paper towels out from under the newlyhatched baby. You need to put something that gives traction not allow them to slip. Rubber drawer liner is my favorite item, but an old towel or washcloth would work too. No papertowels, no newspaper as they are both slick to new feet. Be sure you wash Henry's bill off so her nares dont get clogged or blocked fromthe hatching goo remants.
I buy chucks that you put under people they are called asure and they soak up the wet and are easy to change. Their little nails can dig into it and keep they walking right.
I called Sarah and told her that this is the same thing mine had and advised her to get Poly-vi-sol into him asap. I am no expert compared to many of you, but having just dealt with this...I thought I would jump in.
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poly visol (NO IRON) found at all cvs, walgreens, walmart ect (baby section). 1 drop by mouth 3 times a day, plus some added to the water until it has resolved itself

Barb...............tooooooooooooooooo cute, OMG at the cuteness

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