Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Anybody here know what the colored goslings look like at hatch? I don't have a lot of experience hatching them or with the genetics yet.

Here's my first baby EVER from my stock. I'm excited!

But this one looks darker than the other 2 I've hatched.

ETA: My goose is from Celtic Oaks, the gander is from Chicken Lisa.
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congrats QJ, hey how are you I just got my first baby ducks from the ducks you walked me through hatching last year! here is one sleeping, hatched yesterday
Anybody here know what the colored goslings look like at hatch? I don't have a lot of experience hatching them or with the genetics yet. Here's my first baby EVER from my stock. I'm excited! But this one looks darker than the other 2 I've hatched. ETA: My goose is from Celtic Oaks, the gander is from Chicken Lisa.
WOW- that baby is dark! Wonder what color the goose is? None of the babies I've hatched have come out that dark yet, although I'd love it if one did! My other 2 are hatching now...and they look like the first one does...Probably whites...Baby Gaga, Gigi, and George(ie?) Pics tomorrow of mine, please upload a pic of your baby too once it's dried out and fluffy? Lisa
yes it its cool! i have a question. my three sebs pipped last night one of them its farther along than the others, i could see its bill poking through a hole in the shell, now it has turned and i can't see the bill any more, should i be worried?
I don't think it turns so it can pip /zip around the eggshell...but if it takes so long and it seems weaker and quieter, then I have been known to help zip it and let it finish hatching long as the veins are dried up and the baby is strong enough to hatch on its own, it is ok. I re-read Pete55's goose hatching sticky again and intervened with my own 2 a bit ago...just to help them progress since the shells seemed small and they didn't seem to be moving around much anymore...their heads are out now and they're pushing the shells off on their own. I normally wouldn't help though, just if it seems like they're in trouble I do...
Hope that doesn't confuse you more...
maybe others will chime in too?
Henry is still hanging in there. I have watched him eat and drink. It's hard for him but he can do it. Henry weighs 5.2 ounces and Vine weighs 9 oz. Look at the size difference! Oh and I'm soooooo in love with goslings! They are so fun!

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