Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I am so jealous of everybody with their extra babies! I have a few more eggs going, but this year has been really awful so far.

Don't give up!! This was the fourth clutch of eggs that were set, and only 3 of the 8 hatched. I was setting about 8-9 eggs in each clutch. I only got 1 last year, so my average is way up!!

the Indian Runner in your avatar!!
Meet the latest 2 Sebbie babies to hatch. They're in their own brooder for now- they made so much noise though, the older 2 (2 weeks old) were huddled in their brooder not making a peep. Afraid of the babies? Wow.

and there aren't anymore Goose eggs incubating now, so these may be the last, but... we built this over the weekend and if Sadie and/or Scout want to set, we'll let them try it soon...once it's out in their pen. it has openings on both ends so 2 geese can nest at the same time on opposite sides...
starring to wonder if i am going to end up with a bunch of geese , the first 6 went as soon a they hatched, now no more calls and i have 10 more in the bator and she is still laying :/
Don't give up!! This was the fourth clutch of eggs that were set, and only 3 of the 8 hatched. I was setting about 8-9 eggs in each clutch. I only got 1 last year, so my average is way up!!

the Indian Runner in your avatar!!
Thanks! I still have a couple eggs I am holding onto hope for. The girls are done laying though, all broody but one.
I love my runners! They lay the blue-est eggs too.
ok i know this is a goose thread but i know you guys breed/raise other things outside of geese. so:
Hey Guys i don't know if any of you guys hatch call duck eggs but how long due you wait for them to make a hole on their own? i got one that i drilled a small hole on top after 24 hours of internal pip, poor thing been pecking but no extrenal pip yet after 24 odd hours :(
Are you sure its pecking at the shell? As you've made a hole EP may be delayed. More info on hatching on this forum in thee Incubation Guide.
Yep, it is me. Didn't recognize the name. So excited about getting the new goose! Does he have a name already?
Paula, we call him Seagull, because his boy onk sound is really high pitched and sounds like a gull! He is coming into his deeper voice lately though like a teenager!
Of course, you can call him what you like, he doesn't know his name or anything. We separated him because him and his dad were not getting along. They are across the fence from each other though and he is doing fine now. He will be really ready for a girlfriend of his own!
Oh dear, I'm afraid the gosling was not meant to be and best to leave it to pass away peacefully.

It unusual to find this kind of deformity and similar to spina bifida where the embryonic neural tube fails to close over. In this case it may also be due to malformation of the skull resulting in an incomplete closure.

Well done for trying as you gave this little one every chance. Have other offspring from this mating been healthy?

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