Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I'm back home and my geese are doing great.

So to answer my original question, yes, they can survive - 30 degree weather just fine.

I walked into the barn and my goose ran towards me as fast as she could. She then snuggled up in my lap and began telling me about the awful week she's had. She missed me and I missed her. My gander also walked over and snuggled up next to me. I love my geese and I wouldn't trade them for the world.
No way! I'm so envious! We bought a pair of adults and they like my husband.
They walk away from me. However, I'm on a list for a pair of goslings. So I'll be getting my snugglies!
I had originally purchased a pair of adult sebastopol geese, but they were not social at all. They were grumpy and avoided people at all costs. They never bit anyone, but I was always extremely careful around them. They made it clear that we were not welcome.

Needless to say, I sold them. Later I hatched out 2 sebastopol goslings and raised them by hand. They will always be my babies no matter how big they get. I hope you get your snugglies!
This is my first time posting, but I've been reading this thread and loving all your pictures. I'm thinking seriously of getting one or two Sebbies. Any advice? I have chickens and ducks.

Do Sebbies deter snakes and hawks, as I've read other geese do? Is it better to get one or a pair? I've gotten most of my ducks from Metzer Farms. Do you recommend them for Sebbies? Is now a good time to place an order, or should I wait til spring?

As you can see, I have lots of questions.
First off
to the forum. Sebastopol are very laid back geese. It is better to get a pair or trio, one gander and 2 female geese. Or just a pair. But I like to have an extra female just in case any thing might happen to one.

I have never seen mine go after snake but we use to have garden snakes around and black snakes. I do not see them much anymore around the house. About hawks I have not had a hawk bother them but a hawk did kill my one duck female I had. But have never went after the adult geese.
When I have goslings out I put them in a pen and put protection over the top of the pen so hawks can not get the goslings.

You purchase your geese from whoever you would like to. Hope I have helped a bit for you.
I would agree with Ruru. I haven't seen mine go after snakes, I think my chickens take care of that. I have bald eagles here and they will take a chicken and leave my geese alone. I don't think the geese really scare off the flying predators though. I also have protection over young ones so that nothing can get them.
Where you purchase them depends on how much you want to spend and what quality you are looking for. Good luck on your sebbies!
helllos! i originally posted the following a few days ago titled "cold weather goslings" :

'~~like most of you, i've been dealing with some brutal temps..... my sebbie goose is on 3 fertile eggs (candled regularly)and they're due to hatch on the 14th,15thish .... she's a first time mom and i'm a little concerned (okay, maybe more than a little) .... no doubt in my mind that they WILL hatch ..... as dedicated as she's been, i really don't want to pull the babies.... she nested in a closed run attached to a coop (shed) right against the door (which was closed at the time) to the coop..... i plan on opening the door and putting the ramp (or piling straw) so they can go 'inside' which is significantly warmer (lots of brooder lamps as i have silkie hatchlings inside as well)..... the 3 sebbies that i currently have, i hatched from eggs in an incubator and raised with no issues ... this will my FIRST time letting the birds do it themselves ... the the way it's currently set up, she will be able to take the babies outside if she wants to,,, should i keep them contained to the inside quarters (shed and run) for a while or do you think she will instinctively know the RIGHT thing to do?? comments and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated! tia, john'

well, more questions...

the first internally pipped 2 days ago and hatched today-- I had to help -- this morning he was screaming with a little window pecked out -- l let him be and checked an hour or so ago -- he hadn't made any progress and the egg was cracked in a few spots not typical of a hatching out -- looked like mom was trying to help from the outside....any way, he seems fine and mom had NO problem with me helping nestside to her -- i think she was a little relieved.. the other 2 are just getting ready to INTERNALLY pip, so they probably won't hatch for another 2 days..... a little added concern the above questions

thanks in advance, john
helllos! i originally posted the following a few days ago titled "cold weather goslings" :

'~~like most of you, i've been dealing with some brutal temps..... my sebbie goose is on 3 fertile eggs (candled regularly)and they're due to hatch on the 14th,15thish .... she's a first time mom and i'm a little concerned (okay, maybe more than a little) .... no doubt in my mind that they WILL hatch ..... as dedicated as she's been, i really don't want to pull the babies.... she nested in a closed run attached to a coop (shed) right against the door (which was closed at the time) to the coop..... i plan on opening the door and putting the ramp (or piling straw) so they can go 'inside' which is significantly warmer (lots of brooder lamps as i have silkie hatchlings inside as well)..... the 3 sebbies that i currently have, i hatched from eggs in an incubator and raised with no issues ... this will my FIRST time letting the birds do it themselves ... the the way it's currently set up, she will be able to take the babies outside if she wants to,,, should i keep them contained to the inside quarters (shed and run) for a while or do you think she will instinctively know the RIGHT thing to do?? comments and suggestions are GREATLY appreciated! tia, john'

well, more questions...

the first internally pipped 2 days ago and hatched today-- I had to help -- this morning he was screaming with a little window pecked out -- l let him be and checked an hour or so ago -- he hadn't made any progress and the egg was cracked in a few spots not typical of a hatching out -- looked like mom was trying to help from the outside....any way, he seems fine and mom had NO problem with me helping nestside to her -- i think she was a little relieved.. the other 2 are just getting ready to INTERNALLY pip, so they probably won't hatch for another 2 days..... a little added concern the above questions

thanks in advance, john
Congrats on the baby! I am a nervous nelly and always take the babies away. If you decide you want to leave them with mom, just continue to monitor them closely. Make sure she doesn't leave the nest for too long. You may want to bring her a little bowl of food and water since it sounds like she is going to have a staggered hatch. If at any time you are concerned they are not doing well, then take them into a brooder. You can always hatch them inside and give them back to her once they are dry too. Good luck!
thanks! she was doing fine last night ,,,i put an additional waterer close to the nest along with a bowl of waterfowl starter .... if she seems antsy to get off the nest this morning, i'll pull the 2 remaining eggs and put em in the bator .... another question.... will the baby learn from mom to drink out of the waterer?? i've only used bowls with goslings in the past as they initially seemed clueless about how to drink from the waterers....
thanks! she was doing fine last night ,,,i put an additional waterer close to the nest along with a bowl of waterfowl starter .... if she seems antsy to get off the nest this morning, i'll pull the 2 remaining eggs and put em in the bator .... another question.... will the baby learn from mom to drink out of the waterer?? i've only used bowls with goslings in the past as they initially seemed clueless about how to drink from the waterers....
Gozzies are fine for a couple of days, don´t worry. And, if I were you, and the goose seems a bit unsettled, I´d leave her with the 2 eggs and take the already-hatched gozzie away so she´ll stay on her eggs. That way, all of the gozzies imprint on the mum, and it´s much less work for you. And then when all 3 are back with her, she´ll go at the speed of the tiniest rather than the oldest if you see what I mean. Can you hear anything yet inside the shells? Tapping? If so, then so can she and she´ll know she has some babes, but the needs of the older one could just draw her away. That´s why I´d take the older one, keep it out of hearing range of the goose, give it a mirror, a lamp for heat and a feather duster. It´d be noisy, but only for a day or two. Well, that´s what I would do in case it´s of any help.

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