Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

There´s me posting on the wrong thread! Try again.....
If you should decide to take away the gozzie, try to do it without goose knowing, and keep gozzie from making a noise, just in case she gets upset and leaves her nest. I keep my finer on their bills, and tuck their heads into my clothes to keep them quiet, poor souls.. I find if I do this the goose stays put.
Gozzies are fine for a couple of days, don´t worry. And, if I were you, and the goose seems a bit unsettled, I´d leave her with the 2 eggs and take the already-hatched gozzie away so she´ll stay on her eggs. That way, all of the gozzies imprint on the mum, and it´s much less work for you. And then when all 3 are back with her, she´ll go at the speed of the tiniest rather than the oldest if you see what I mean. Can you hear anything yet inside the shells? Tapping? If so, then so can she and she´ll know she has some babes, but the needs of the older one could just draw her away. That´s why I´d take the older one, keep it out of hearing range of the goose, give it a mirror, a lamp for heat and a feather duster. It´d be noisy, but only for a day or two. Well, that´s what I would do in case it´s of any help.
thank you!
... as of now,she's still sitting on the 2 eggs (both have internally pipped) and the baby's wandering between her and the food and water setup ---so far, so good, i THINK

i'm going to keep the gander and his buddy outside for the day to limit confusion and let her pay FULL attention to what she's got going on.... i'll keep yas posted-- and thanks again

-- and to save you typing, i'm okay with raising the babies if i HAVE to -- i just don't WANT to
thank you!
... as of now,she's still sitting on the 2 eggs (both have internally pipped) and the baby's wandering between her and the food and water setup ---so far, so good, i THINK

i'm going to keep the gander and his buddy outside for the day to limit confusion and let her pay FULL attention to what she's got going on.... i'll keep yas posted-- and thanks again

-- and to save you typing, i'm okay with raising the babies if i HAVE to -- i just don't WANT to
all sounds promising, enjoy your gozzies.
thanks! she was doing fine last night ,,,i put an additional waterer close to the nest along with a bowl of waterfowl starter .... if she seems antsy to get off the nest this morning, i'll pull the 2 remaining eggs and put em in the bator .... another question.... will the baby learn from mom to drink out of the waterer?? i've only used bowls with goslings in the past as they initially seemed clueless about how to drink from the waterers....

Yes, they will learn from mom how to drink the water. Just make sure it is a shallow dish so they do not get into too much with your cold weather.
I notice that my male seb eats and bathes first while the female waits. Is that normal?
Yes! Mine do that too! It reminds me of the old days, men bath, then women, then kids. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater! (It is so dirty, you might loose the baby in it!)
At my place the scovies get the pool after the sebs, then the runners kick the scovies out! LOL
all sounds promising, enjoy your gozzies.

Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job of taking care of them all!

Yes, they will learn from mom how to drink the water. Just make sure it is a shallow dish so they do not get into too much with your cold weather.

... as of this morning, the baby's do the happy thing between mom and dad, and the the other 2 eggs have externally pipped with some peeping going on
... i'm pretty sure they're gonna be fine -- thanks again for the advice and i'll grab some more pics after they all hatch,,,
... as of this morning, the baby's do the happy thing between mom and dad, and the the other 2 eggs have externally pipped with some peeping going on
... i'm pretty sure they're gonna be fine -- thanks again for the advice and i'll grab some more pics after they all hatch,,,
The final stretch....well done to goosey mum and you for being patient to make it all go well!

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