Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

All of my geese get along with the ducks.Three of my Sebbies run around with my 2 dozen big ducks, and 18 Call ducks, and a various assortment of chickens and guineas. Then my other 20+ geese free range with my 6 Buff Orpington ducks, they also sleep with them. There was only one instance were I had a duck killed by the geese, and that was at nighttime and the poor thing couldn't get away from them, as they had him cornered. Most of the time they all live together peaceably, but every now and again they have a squabble.

~ Aspen

Thanks for the quick responce!
My dreams are of geese who won't stop honking at me because they are hungry! Went out with greens and watermelon and strawberry tops today for a mid day meal. The temps here so low right now. Tonight is going to be a real beast. Even in the house the waters are freezing over. I broke them of course. When I go in the two Poms closest to the door are right there waiting to go out, the fools. They will be in till the temps are in the thirties again... is that going to be ever? Oh and I got a kick out of my saddle back Seb "Echo." She has become such a hisser as we approached breeding and she is going off like a leaking tire today when I went out. I put the food in the dish and she rushed over there so fast I hardly saw it. She stood right there humming and chewing beside my leg as if I was just part of the furniture. "Silly goose" indeed.
My dreams are of geese who won't stop honking at me because they are hungry! Went out with greens and watermelon and strawberry tops today for a mid day meal. The temps here so low right now. Tonight is going to be a real beast. Even in the house the waters are freezing over. I broke them of course. When I go in the two Poms closest to the door are right there waiting to go out, the fools. They will be in till the temps are in the thirties again... is that going to be ever? Oh and I got a kick out of my saddle back Seb "Echo." She has become such a hisser as we approached breeding and she is going off like a leaking tire today when I went out. I put the food in the dish and she rushed over there so fast I hardly saw it. She stood right there humming and chewing beside my leg as if I was just part of the furniture. "Silly goose" indeed.
The poor hormonal geese! It has warmed up enough to rain here. So I go into the pen, let out the geese, then stick their food bowl inside their coop to stay dry. This am, my most aggressive gander (if I had to choose one) reached for my hand when I put the food bowl down! He has been hissing like crazy lately, but he is one that you don't want to turn your back on! I kinda feel sorry for them like this. I know it the right thing for them to protect their girls and territory, but at the same time, they have to behave decently to me.
It just might be time for the broom to go out to the cottage with me... and maybe you too lol I have compassion for them too. Its like seeing a teenager all over again only without the gadgets, fashion failures and pimples. lol
So far I am all set on who my son and I can be safe with. I might worry about the Poms but not the Sebs at this point. The gander who is most huffy out of the Sebs is often more of a coward too. He'd rather me yelling from a distance than up close and tasting.

I forgot to add that someone actually asked me if I wanted to raise Lavender Poms? They were going to send me a couple. WHY do people tempt me like that? Why?
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Has anyone else had any experience with keeping your sebbies with ducks? I want to hear from as many people as I can before I make a decision.
Has anyone else had any experience with keeping your sebbies with ducks? I want to hear from as many people as I can before I make a decision.

I've only had geese for 1 year, but mine have always done fine together. In fact, my goose is in with a group of call ducks right now without any issues.
I've only had geese for 1 year, but mine have always done fine together.  In fact, my goose is in with a group of call ducks right now without any issues. :)

Yay! I am getting positive feedback so far! I REALLY want sebbies so i am glad you said your sebbies and ducks get along!
Mine do fine together outside of breeding season. Mostly the ducks hang out in their group and the geese in theirs. No fights. Breeding season I have a gander that likes to neck the ducks out of the way.
Mine do fine together outside of breeding season.  Mostly the ducks hang out in their group and the geese in theirs.  No fights.  Breeding season I have a gander that likes to neck the ducks out of the way.

If i had two ganders and no girls will the ganders still get protective during breeding season?

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