Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I would get after him with your cane! I found goosing them in the tail really gets them good! I think that is what they would do to each other.
I had the food scoop that I popped him with several times, then popped him with the cane. Usually Grant does not go after me he knows I am boss goose.
Earlier I was filling their pool and Grant hopped in it while I was filling it and was playing in the hose water too. He is a very mild natured Gander but today he got my husband too so breeding season has him being bad boy... He bit but not as hard as some of my other have done in the past.
Most of my boys put their heads down at me and I pop them with the cane in the chest to say I am bigger and am head momma!
Good for you!
I have learned to be quicker than mine. When he gets close enough, I turn around and grab him and smother him with hugs. Now he thinks twice.
I toss in a head of lettace. They forget I"m even there. Now when I open the door they are standing there looking at my hands waiting to see where I toss it. Before the gander would try to attack me everytime I touched the water dish or fill their food bowl. Now he leaves me alone.
I had the food scoop that I popped him with several times, then popped him with the cane. Usually Grant does not go after me he knows I am boss goose.
Earlier I was filling their pool and Grant hopped in it while I was filling it and was playing in the hose water too. He is a very mild natured Gander but today he got my husband too so breeding season has him being bad boy... He bit but not as hard as some of my other have done in the past.
Most of my boys put their heads down at me and I pop them with the cane in the chest to say I am bigger and am head momma!
I try not to hit any of my birds. When I got my geese they where grown and not friendly at all. I had to figure out how to feed and water without getting attacked. I found just walking in their enclosure with a shovel did the trick. They would back up until the female started laying. He would come after me then. I just held him back with the shovel in one hand and doing what I had to do with their food and water with the other hand and I backed out of their space. I never turned my back to them. Well mostly him. Now that I started tossing a head of lettace in the pen he don't bother me at all. I actually forgot the lettace today and he didn't bother me at all. I filled the pool and filled the food bowl with no problem. I brought them their lettace later. I have picked him up when we first got him because my grandson opened the door and he got out. I just grabbed him by his neck just behind his head and pushed down while I picked him up. He wasn't happy about it but I didn't get bitten.

I have mostly silkies so I don't have to deal with birds that can hurt you. The most any of them has done to me is a hen bruised my hand when I took her eggs. She gets very defensive over her eggs and babies when she is broody. The others just jab at me when they don't want me messing with them. But mostly they love the attention. Everybody has bad days. My Orp roo has never been mean although he is wanting to be friends and he follows me all over the yard and will let me get a pet in before he walks just out of my reach. He wants me to pet him but he's just not confident enough yet to stand there and let me. I don't make him, he will learn he can trust me and I'm not gonna hurt him. I didn't raise him either. I got him as an almost grown roo
I try not to hit any of my birds. When I got my geese they where grown and not friendly at all. I had to figure out how to feed and water without getting attacked. I found just walking in their enclosure with a shovel did the trick. They would back up until the female started laying. He would come after me then. I just held him back with the shovel in one hand and doing what I had to do with their food and water with the other hand and I backed out of their space. I never turned my back to them. Well mostly him. Now that I started tossing a head of lettace in the pen he don't bother me at all. I actually forgot the lettace today and he didn't bother me at all. I filled the pool and filled the food bowl with no problem. I brought them their lettace later. I have picked him up when we first got him because my grandson opened the door and he got out. I just grabbed him by his neck just behind his head and pushed down while I picked him up. He wasn't happy about it but I didn't get bitten.

I have mostly silkies so I don't have to deal with birds that can hurt you. The most any of them has done to me is a hen bruised my hand when I took her eggs. She gets very defensive over her eggs and babies when she is broody. The others just jab at me when they don't want me messing with them. But mostly they love the attention. Everybody has bad days. My Orp roo has never been mean although he is wanting to be friends and he follows me all over the yard and will let me get a pet in before he walks just out of my reach. He wants me to pet him but he's just not confident enough yet to stand there and let me. I don't make him, he will learn he can trust me and I'm not gonna hurt him. I didn't raise him either. I got him as an almost grown roo

Do not worry I do not pop them hard just firm to let them know I am boss goose. With my cane I just pop them in the breast to move them away. I am not hitting them like maybe you thought. Because I do not want to hurt my geese. The scoop I use is plastic and I did not pop that hard just enough to say wake up it is momma goose here... I do not want you to think I am abusing them because I do not believe in abuse on animals period....

I usually do not have to correct my gander's they know I am momma goose. But I do believe he knew I took eggs from the two nest in there Samantha and Gloria's.... Grant is a smart gander.. He even goes right by Samantha in the nest and lays right there with her at times. He even goes in the nest and checks it. Grant never tries to bite me.
Do not worry I do not pop them hard just firm to let them know I am boss goose. With my cane I just pop them in the breast to move them away. I am not hitting them like maybe you thought. Because I do not want to hurt my geese. The scoop I use is plastic and I did not pop that hard just enough to say wake up it is momma goose here... I do not want you to think I am abusing them because I do not believe in abuse on animals period....

I usually do not have to correct my gander's they know I am momma goose. But I do believe he knew I took eggs from the two nest in there Samantha and Gloria's.... Grant is a smart gander.. He even goes right by Samantha in the nest and lays right there with her at times. He even goes in the nest and checks it. Grant never tries to bite me.
I understand. We have to be able to control them. I once had a silkie roo mailed to me and he got lost in transit for a week. He never got over it. He was mean. He would always try to jump up and spur me but of course with all that fluff there isn't really much he could do. I would just catch him in mid-air and hold him and walk around with him while petting him. Before I got into silkies I had LF and I've been known to chase a mean roo down that tried to attack me and show him exactly who IS boss. Of course I didn't hurt him but he stayed his distance. It was always the EE roos that would turn mean for some reason. They would be sweet as could be then one day they would just attack for no reason. I never keep mean roos because I don't want my grandsons hurt. I can handle them but prefer not to. But these geese are much larger and I have a respect for what they can do. There is a local man missing an eye from a goose attack. I prefer he keep a safe distance. He will let me scratch his chest thru the wire but the female always tries to bite me when I do. But she stays away when I'm in the pen but he shows no fear of me. But lately with the lettace trick I do he seems to be more tolerant of me in the pen. But only me. He will not allow anybody else in the pen. So I've gained his trust, somewhat anyway.

I'm big time against animal cruelty. I won't even let my grandsons use wild birds for target practice. The animals that don't belong here that are a threat to my animals are chased away. If they return they don't leave on their own. I hate to do it but I have to protect my animals. I know of people that are constantly having their birds killed and eaten by stray dogs or wild animals. I lost 2 birds in 5 years. A guinea which where loose to eat bugs and such got eaten right in my yard one night and a paint silkie hen was scooped up by a hawk. Now all my pens have attached covered runs. The only ones that get out of their pen are my Orpingtons. They are too big for a hawk and we watch out for stray dogs. They only are out for a few hours a day. I think thats pretty good for 5 years.
I understand. We have to be able to control them. I once had a silkie roo mailed to me and he got lost in transit for a week. He never got over it. He was mean. He would always try to jump up and spur me but of course with all that fluff there isn't really much he could do. I would just catch him in mid-air and hold him and walk around with him while petting him. Before I got into silkies I had LF and I've been known to chase a mean roo down that tried to attack me and show him exactly who IS boss. Of course I didn't hurt him but he stayed his distance. It was always the EE roos that would turn mean for some reason. They would be sweet as could be then one day they would just attack for no reason. I never keep mean roos because I don't want my grandsons hurt. I can handle them but prefer not to. But these geese are much larger and I have a respect for what they can do. There is a local man missing an eye from a goose attack. I prefer he keep a safe distance. He will let me scratch his chest thru the wire but the female always tries to bite me when I do. But she stays away when I'm in the pen but he shows no fear of me. But lately with the lettace trick I do he seems to be more tolerant of me in the pen. But only me. He will not allow anybody else in the pen. So I've gained his trust, somewhat anyway.

I'm big time against animal cruelty. I won't even let my grandsons use wild birds for target practice. The animals that don't belong here that are a threat to my animals are chased away. If they return they don't leave on their own. I hate to do it but I have to protect my animals. I know of people that are constantly having their birds killed and eaten by stray dogs or wild animals. I lost 2 birds in 5 years. A guinea which where loose to eat bugs and such got eaten right in my yard one night and a paint silkie hen was scooped up by a hawk. Now all my pens have attached covered runs. The only ones that get out of their pen are my Orpingtons. They are too big for a hawk and we watch out for stray dogs. They only are out for a few hours a day. I think thats pretty good for 5 years.

I have never had chickens so am not very good at knowing how they are or act. All I know is Sebastopol geese oh and I did raise runner ducks and some creasted ducks and calls. The foxes would come by daily and grab a duck in the early day! I let my ducks and geese free range during the day and penned at night. The raccoons would pull the ducks right through the wire fencing. So we put hardware cloth all around the bottom of the pens and the tops have always been covered from the start. We lost 48 ducks to foxes and raccoons so I just sold all my ducks..
Lost 43 goslings through the pens they varmit got them and a raccoon pulled a yound teenager seb through the pen wires. I was totally sick about it!!! I have on duck drake left and call him Dah Dah and he knows his name.
Right now I am eating cashew nuts and almonds and I have a great dane here mouching nuts off me. None of my animals are spoiled!!

I purchase shelled nuts also nuts and berries for my geese. To have during the winter and breeding season. I measure the amount they get this also helps the girls replenish the calcium in their bones from using it to make eggs.... I purchase romaine hearts from Sams because you get 5 or 6 heads in one pkg. for the geese. I go out and give two head at a time and they wipe it out. Just started giving cabbage after we purchased some for St. Patties day. We have horses too and I buy them apples and carrots, the apples the geese like too. I get red and green grapes for the geese.
We have horses too and have decided to sell them due to my health issues and my husband is tired of caring for them after 8 years. We have had people come look at the horses and they just were not what we want as an owner for them so just found a great person for our one quarter horse gelding. They just picked him up Saturday. The drove 3 hours just to come see him. Put a deposit and then paid for the coggins test we had to have done for him to travel. They were great people for Maxy. So now to find responsible owner for our POA tri colored leopard appy, and our two mini stallions and our mini mare. I am very picky on who will be getting them let me tell you!
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