Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

I will be having some pretty soon, mine are $30 to $40 Shipping depending on where they are going.

day old gooslings $50

Holderread lines
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You sound like me! I had to start putting alerts on my phone so I wouldn't forget all the different hatch dates

I write the dates I set the eggs on the egg so I don't forget. It works unless I'm setting quail
Hay everyone, how is everybodies babies?? I hatched out some Toulouse geese from rescued eggs from my brotehrs pond. I will post update pics again of the little sebbies. Many people are selling their babies right now. I was aked by a friend what is the going rate for sebbies. I told here 50 to 120$ depending on petr or show quality.
1 of my eggs has a shell pip, another is pipped internally (not through the shell), and the other is pushing real hard trying to bust into the air cell! So looks like all 3 should hatch
Buttons, right? I hatched a bunch of those a few years ago- how tiny they were and they hatched like popcorn pops! So fast we couldn't believe what we were seeing!
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Buttons, right? I hatched a bunch of those a few years ago- how tiny they were and they hatched like popcorn pops! So fast we couldn't believe what we were seeing!

I have buttons and coturnix.
You sound like me! I had to start putting alerts on my phone so I wouldn't forget all the different hatch dates

I write the dates I set the eggs on the egg so I don't forget. It works unless I'm setting quail

I give each batch I set a letter (Ex: batch A) I write the letter on one side of the egg, and number each egg on the other side. I then put the alert on the calendar in my phone. Makes it pretty fool-proof!
Thank you for your opinion.. I have searched many sites, and I was thinking that. I am holding off. I really want a nice pair and I dont mind waiting until the right situation comes along.

pips&peeps :


My personal opinion is that the quality is low, but to each their own.​
I love your thinking. The whole shipping thing worries me. I'm a people person, and really would want to meet who had hatched them. If the people are willing to help, then they care about what they are doing, and want the best for their birds.. You just never know now a days, but every situation is different. My question has always been.. what happenes if you pay all this $ only to have them die in the mail. Atleast the seat of my truck is stable, not a belt, with people throwing stuff around. I use to work for DHL.. so I know all about that. Yikes!


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