Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

This one gander in particular (I just got them) , has it really bad. Its like a small clump of feathers that stick straight out to the sides. And they're all broken. I wish they'd fall out soon- looks painful
How bad for him would it be to pluck them? I know thier shafts are so thick- would it make them bleed?
The "white" in the rescued pair looks lavender or very pale blue. Will be fun to see new photos of that one.

Happy..... Don't pluck them, but you can trim with scissors like when you clip a wing to prevent flight.
wow thats awesom some one was very stupid to dump them i think lavenders are very exspencive?

she is very beautiful io wil be posting more pictures latter today when i get home from school
Any suggestions on defrosters for pools? My geese are up by the house til we can find an LGD so they are pretty far from the stream. We have a pool for them but its frozen. I have a heated horse bucket for drinking (and playing) they try to get in it but it doesn't really work to well. So just looking for some suggestions so they have something to play in, plus i would like them to mate.

Also my geese are not very tame (i'm working on it though) This morning one of them was in their dog house (i've had them a month and this is the first time one has gone in there) i went to check on her and she didn't make a peep or try to run away and let me pet her. I'm hoping she's laying and not sick. She appears to be healthy. I've been letting them out during the day and i don't think there is anything they could really get into. Should i be looking for something or should i probably not worry but keep an eye on her? Thanks
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I'm not sure what you could do to unfreeze the pool. No matter what you put in ther to melt the ice or even keep it from freezing the geese will mess with it. I don't feeze her much and if it does go to freezing the duck are usually in the pool switching out with the geese so it doesn't freeze unless they all get out. lol.

How old are your geese? I have one that started laying just before Christmas. As far as I can tell she is laying an egg just about every other day. I lost a bunch to a fox so she only has 4. Bummer I know. She isn't sitting yet. Maybe your goose is starting to lay as well. You may want to check the house she is laying it to see. They cover there eggs well. Keep an eye on her anyway. You just never know.

I wish I could have been better help.
I dump out the frozen pools and refill them. I have to refill them every day anyway because the ducks get them so dirty. Sometimes when we have several cold days in a row the yard will be full of huge round ice disks
If its really awful outside though, I just give them a 5 gallon bucket of water and they seem to be ok with missing a day or two of swimming.
She seems ok, It's been crazy the last few days so i haven't had a chance to do more then peek in so tonight i will go through the nest and see what if there is anything in there.

I'm trying to find an alternative to dumping. Everything is either muddy or frozen here and i don't want to add to the muck! lol they always have a 5 gallon heated water bucket i just want them to have a place to swim and play on days when i work and they don't get to free range.
If you have the time and the innovative personality you could design a skimmer box for a kiddie pool with a pump to keep the water circulating without clogging the pump. I used plastic tubs from walmart, scotch brite pads, fish cartridge filters, hay, (as filters) along with a oilless sump pump in my ornamental pen.

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